IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages : (


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2004
After getting all my privelages of browsing this forum and being in contact with my lights taken away by my parents, I was terribly sad.... I didnt eat as much, didnt take too much interest in things as I used to... My parents must have noticed this, because they allowed me to start browsing this forum again. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif BUT /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif I didnt get my lights back... and I am given a small amount of time to browse this forum.... But I am happy to be able to do so!! So can someone fill me in on how much I missed the past week or two? I did come here once every few days, but I didnt really read much.... Did someone make something new? Solitaire mod? Yet ANOTHER multi luxeon mod? Did lambda make a hamburger this time? Did Chop do the unthinkable (again)?
Welcome back Mags!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Glad to see my strategy worked for you /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

I am not sure that you actually missed that much. I don't exactly remember when you left, have you seen the Ken5?? It's pretty awsome. Other than that......... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon6.gif
He missed the mini HID I just snatched up.

thanks again to Sway

Just foolin with you guys.
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

ken5? I gotta see it... Do you have a link?
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Welcome back Mags. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Read the SHOT get-toghether/party thread. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Welcome back, MD! Continue to listen to your parents, don't browse here more than they feel comfortable with and soon you will have your lights back (I hope).
Without Lights? what is wrong with collecting lights? I don't think 10,000 CPF people are nuts. Some are Doctors. I am an Engineer. There a lot of real smart fine people here with common interest. That like to have Fun with lights. You too, MD I guess. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Some people collect coins. Some stamps. Some model cars. Some RC airplanes. They ALL really get involved in a hobby. So what. Hey there are thousands of CPF members who go to " shoot outs" . Most people take life way to seriously. Show your parents this: /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


An Arc lamp is the Spark that takes away the Dark--

Lights don't pollute especially if you get rechargable batteries! Try these:
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

No lights!!hmmmm That's tough!!
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

NikolaTesla said:
Without Lights? what is wrong with collecting lights? I don't think 10,000 CPF people are nuts. Some are Doctors. I am an Engineer. There a lot of real smart fine people here with common interest. That like to have Fun with lights. You too, MD I guess. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Some people collect coins. Some stamps. Some model cars. Some RC airplanes. They ALL really get involved in a hobby. So what. Hey there are thousands of CPF members who go to " shoot outs" . Most people take life way to seriously. Show your parents this: /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


An Arc lamp is the Spark that takes away the Dark--

Lights don't pollute especially if you get rechargable batteries! Try these:

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow! Thats a lot of HID's... and im sure that the maxel-something-something won the shootout?
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Sinjz, I did learn a lot of tricks. I am currently working on the Reverse TA to backaround harmonic right now.... And after that, the TA harmonic.
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Welcome back, Mags
Like Larry sez, there was SHOT, but you got a few years before you can go...Lots a lights to see, look for pocketlights' daily reviews.
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

What is the ECO tube for? You have a Micra and don't want to use 123's?
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Problem is, im running short on 123s... and the price will eat my wallet out..... not that my parents would allow me to buy anything to start with... So I need an Eco tube...
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Just buy some $1 cr123 from batterystation.
Re: IM BACK!!!!!! without lights & few privelages

Mags is 12. It would probably be hard for him to order anything offline. Especially with his restrictions.