Still using the R8 every evening and (before) work mornings. Occasionally when handling dog leashes or something else, changing the grip on the flashlight will result in unintended activation of the rocker. Not the end of the world, just one aspect of this design.
After two times trying the "Tactical" mode, it is doubtful I will use it. Turns out I would get stuck in moonlight mode and have to unscrew the head to reset. Maybe others will not have that issue. Several flashlights I have used in the past have gone glitchy once in a while; some seemingly random but repetitive.
On standard ramping mode, I initially was having an issue with ramping down not going all the way to moonlight. This happened not too long ago but only once. Like I said, it may be my own personal electromagnetic dupplepluph; it's happened before with even expensive flashlights seemingly randomly misbehaving (but would happen at any time).
By the way, we had a full moon, and a snow covered ground. I shined this R8 on lowest setting on the snow that was shaded from the moon by tree foliage. I was surprised to see how close the R8 was only a little brighter than the moonlight cast. But I should mention that we are at 7200 feet elevation, it was in the 20 degrees F, with a dew point around 7 degrees, so yeah, the moon was quite bright. Enough light to play cards, I would say.