I'm SO ashamed!!!!

Yeah, it is tough not to have a pistol in a pocket upon leaving the house. :sick2: :D
You're so different then we are here over the pond. :p

BUT ... that is no excuse for leaving the house without a light. You as a CPF veteran should know better. :whoopin: :)

Well there are two on my keychain a Miller-modded Arc and a Photon Freedom so I guess I always have at least two on me.
I never leave the house without at least several lights - one of them being an Arc AAA-P DS.
Since they're all on my keychain, I would not even be able to lock the door behind me without them. :)

And I lent my sister my Arc AAA-P CS in leiu of the Aunoc 1xAAAA light that used to be on her keychain.
I am near Frankfurt ... but born and raised in Bavaria :D ... in a region with the highest density of breweries, worldwide :devil:
Sweet home ...
The world is quite tiny in fact :)
I hope to be able to make it to the next German get-together. You should, too. :poke:

What a romantic "flashaholic looking for flashaholic" thread .... :D

Sorry for all the OT stuff. I liked the "let's punish PJS" better ... :p
About once every 600 days, I forget my cell phone, pistol or knife. I know the shame.
I always feel uneasy when I hear of people who EDC a handgun. But that's probably just because I live in gun-unfriendly Italy...

Anyway, I just stayed one week without my beloved 123 Cree EDC because I forgot it at my mom's home. It feels weird to know it should be in my pocket, but it isn't...