I'm weird, found another light a MAG LED module will work in...


Nov 11, 2005
Can't get out of the desert! ARGH!
OH wow, I really miss the older 84 cent wal-mart flashlights, guys keep your eyes out, this was a great cheap host!!!

At any rate, yup, I put a MAG LED module in one of the 84 cent "buckalight" hosts, I haven't cut it down yet, runs just fine on 2 AAs for the moment.


You wonder why I did this? Because I COULD! I got a few of the MAG-LEDs free and this seems to be a great little mod.

edited to add: Oh yeah, this was one of the first MAG LEDs, it had a tiny little copper tab for the center (positive) contact, so I soldered a bigger piece of brass to make a bigger, more reliable, contact.
The horror! Of having such cheap wally world lights that is. The Mag drop in isn't too bad, really, it does have the advantage of decent run time on its side. Decent emergency light, especially in candle mode with reflector off. Kind of odd there isn't a better M*g light available, I mean, with HIII anodize, better switch, bigger reflector. I'd buy a few!
Remember that little mag LED module doesn't actually transfer heat very well at all to start with and throttles down power to the LED when it gets warm... it's weird that Mag-Lite would make an LED module without provision to transfer heat to that giant aluminum heat sink of a body but ah well, that's what they did. Oh yeah I put it on my already cut down buckalight just now and it's pretty nice with a fairly worn Sanyo CR123A cell in it. Wonder how much more juice I can suck from this battery before it's dead? :)
