I've read a lot of threads here on CPF about the benefits of WriteRight, but I'd never bought any because I always figured I could put the 15 to 20 bucks it costs into another light. Well, I have over 70 lights now, and lately I haven't seen anything new that just tripped my trigger, or just HAD to have. So a couple weeks ago I said WTH, and broke down and bought some. To make a long story short, this stuff is awesome! Since buying it, I've breathed new life into about 9 lights that I'd had gathering dust since I bought them. I've put it on 2 2AA MiniMags, 1 2AAA MiniMag, a Mag Solitaire, a Hubbelite 2AAA, a Hubbelite 2AA (Lightning Bug type), a Pelican SML, a Pelican Mini Mitylite and a Craftsman 1AAA keychain light. While WriteRight can't do anything to improve some of these lights' "amount of light" woes, it works MIRACLES on their beam quality! Hell, I even CARRY my Mag Solitaire with me now
...the output may still be pitiful, but the spot of light is actually pleasing to look at now! Anyway, if there's any of you who've hesitated to buy some WriteRight because you didn't wanna pay the somewhat hefty price, do yourself (and some of your dust gathering lights) a favor and get some...you won't regret it!
...don't forget, you hafta get the stuff that's for monochrome screens. The stuff for color screens isn't textured, and will no have effect...

...don't forget, you hafta get the stuff that's for monochrome screens. The stuff for color screens isn't textured, and will no have effect...