In praise of WriteRight...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 20, 2002
I've read a lot of threads here on CPF about the benefits of WriteRight, but I'd never bought any because I always figured I could put the 15 to 20 bucks it costs into another light. Well, I have over 70 lights now, and lately I haven't seen anything new that just tripped my trigger, or just HAD to have. So a couple weeks ago I said WTH, and broke down and bought some. To make a long story short, this stuff is awesome! Since buying it, I've breathed new life into about 9 lights that I'd had gathering dust since I bought them. I've put it on 2 2AA MiniMags, 1 2AAA MiniMag, a Mag Solitaire, a Hubbelite 2AAA, a Hubbelite 2AA (Lightning Bug type), a Pelican SML, a Pelican Mini Mitylite and a Craftsman 1AAA keychain light. While WriteRight can't do anything to improve some of these lights' "amount of light" woes, it works MIRACLES on their beam quality! Hell, I even CARRY my Mag Solitaire with me now
...the output may still be pitiful, but the spot of light is actually pleasing to look at now! Anyway, if there's any of you who've hesitated to buy some WriteRight because you didn't wanna pay the somewhat hefty price, do yourself (and some of your dust gathering lights) a favor and get won't regret it!


...don't forget, you hafta get the stuff that's for monochrome screens. The stuff for color screens isn't textured, and will no have effect...
How do you ensure the surface is absolutely clean & free from dust before applying the sticky thing? (I'm really pedantic about things being "perfect", but I'm sure I'm not the only one)
To clean the window, I use photo lens tissue, and recently at Wallymart, I found lens cleaning tissues that had a light chemical on them, which works great. Don't use alcohol, as it may etch the polycarbonite lenses used on some lights.

...crap..i've been using alcahol on my E2.

...actually i have alcahol in my system right now... i just got back from a party and it's taking me about 15 minutes to write this reply. It was a really fun patry sjfkl soas eow!.
...don't forget, you hafta get the stuff that's for monochrome screens. The stuff for color screens isn't textured, and will no have effect...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">

With technology advancing so fast, monochrome PDA's will soon be obsolete, along with it monochrome WritRight.
albany tom, i suppose you could (at least in most lights, but i think it would be better to put is outside as it would afford the lense some added scatch protection. (that is why the stuff was invented in the first place).
Where is this stuff readily available? Either Staples, Walmart or Office Max? These are three stores that are near me.
Today I applied some satin Scotch Tape across the rim on the back of the lens of my Palight and the improvement in beam quality is amazing.The tape doesn't contact the actual back of the lens,just the rim that keeps the lens in position,sort of like a double glaze window.If you own a Palight do yourself a favour and give it a try.
The tape is cheaper, but it cuts down a lot more on the light output. When you cut your WrightRite, leave a small tab sticking out. If you're cutting in the corner of the sheet, leave the tab that's there naturally. This will give you a tab to get hold of if you want to remove it for some reason or change it to another light. I have one piece that went on about 4 lights before it found a home. TX
I too tried the satin scotch tape trick on a couple of lights. The results weren't bad, but the stuff can be a B***H to get off, and there's always the residue problem that can occur. I also found out that the tape obstructed considerably more light than the WriteRight. If you want to remove the WriteRight, it's MUCH easier to remove than the tape, and as stated above, it does offer a degree of protection to the lens. If you don't leave a small "tab" to grab when you want to take the WriteRight off, it's really not a problem. A tooth-pic or something similar will do fine to lift up an edge so you can peel it right off, with no residue to worry about cleaning. I got mine at Target for $14.99...WELL worth it, IMHO.
Comp USA has a "PDA Universal Starter Kit" for "free" in the current ad. It's $20 with a $5 instant savings and then a $15 rebate.

Included are "6 sheets of 'Write Right' Screen Savers" (though mine had 8) and then also a leather carrying case, cleaning kit, and a 4-in-1 stylus (.5mm lead, red & black ink, stylus).

So when you go there for your 80 AAs for $10, get some free "Write Rights" at the same time!

Hey, it's "free"...with a stamp.
Well they have a website and I think the rebate coupons are available for printing also? I believe the rebate offer is only good till the 27th. However with the AAs...they you have shipping to inflate the cost...