Incan 'End of life' question.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 10, 2004
Incan \'End of life\' question.

Hi guys,

Anyone able to best tell me a lamp assembly has reached it peak performance?
Re: Incan \'End of life\' question.

Hi Patrick,

If I understand your question correctly you are asking if it is possible to tell whether an incandescent bulb has past its peak and is getting old?

From my experience with SureFires "old age" is the discolouring of the inside of the bulb envelope - perhaps 'tiny dark bits' can also be seen. This indicates that the Tungsten filament is becoming thin and weak since the vapourised filament it is being deposited on the inside of the bulb envelope instead of back onto the filament.

You may or may not see a difference in the output until this discolouration is quite pronounced.

When the bulb is obviously discoloured it indicates that the filament is weak and less resiliant to physical and operational shocks. Now is really the time to replace the Lamp Assembly.

This has only happened a few times for me - An N62 (12PM), N2 (M3T) and an MA02 (A2).
Re: Incan \'End of life\' question.

Hi Al,

Thanks for the detailed explanation to my simple question.

Now I'm going to scrutinized everyone of my lamp assy.

Now, where did I keep the magnifying galss................
Re: Incan \'End of life\' question.

You shouldn't need a magnifying glass. The discolouration will be obvious to the naked mark 1.0 eyeball