Incandescent all or nothing? *answer found*

Jan 27, 2008
Gainesville, FL
With an incandescant lamp, as long as the batteries are new and fresh, shouldn't the lamp be as bright as it should be? I wouldn't think that it would be dimmer than the norm for any reason except low batteries. Reason I ask... is because I just sold my wolfeyes m90 rattlesnake which uses a 12v lamp. When I had the light, it was extremly powerful for the size with what appeared to be 2x as powerful as my 6v surefire incandescent lights. The fellow I sold it to reported back that it is not bright, and his 6v Wolf Eyes is brighter. My guess is that he is using at least one battery that is depleated.

any info helps.

Jeff K.
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Re: Incandescent all or nothing?

As bulbs age, they can become less bright. It sounds like he is just using depleted/not fresh cells though.