Incoming - What do you have coming in the mail??

The new modular Seraph by Lumens Factory


Ordered with a smooth, stainless bezel.
Yea union wants 77% raise. Most make 100k a year. Crane operators 200k and those would go up a lot if they got 77%. So timing is everything. After the biggest storm just creamed the south east and supplies are needed big time. They were offered 50% and tripe the employees benefits employer contributions.
I was in a union for 28 years and we were always able to come up with a deal. Think they went on strike in the 70's but that was before my time.
Working Security, we don't have Unions.
Every time someone tries to create one, they get too greedy when it comes to Union dues. 40% of a person's paycheck in dues, every week? Yeah.... Hell no!
Yes. Our union dues weren't that bad. But we didn't get paid that well either. But great benefits and a decent pension that i have been collecting since 2018. Since i retired the pay has gone up a lot more than when i was there.
I just wish i knew about great flashlights when i worked all those dark dark mornings and late nights. Guess i'm making up for it now? Lol
Handful of knives to add to the collection. As far as lights go....
Zebralight H503c AA.

If you want an 18650 Zebralight, they still have a pretty good selection on their official website. If you want a AA model, better get one NOW! When the current available ones are gone, I don't think they'll be available again except on the secondary market.