Infinity Ultra


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
Just got my Infinity Ultra, and did a quick and dirty comparision between it and my CPF Edition Arc-AAA.

The Arc measured 24cd, while the Ultra clocked in at 22cd. I'll retest after dark and with careful measurements. But the Ultra is definitely brighter than the original Infinity. I'll also hunt down my original white Infinity and throw that in the mix and see what measurements come up.
Hmmm. These things are SO dependent on voltage, that I'll bet if you tried two different batteries, you could swap those results. Since you can't use the same battery for these two lights, it looks like, for all intents and purposes, we could call them the *same* brightness. Which is good news. Looking forward to your more detailed tests...

ps. Dood - nice hair!
Craig, glad you got one! I would also be very interested in your views of the Ultra in use in darkness, not just the scientific measurements.

I view the Ultra as a white flood light, whereas the Arc is a spot.
I just received mine today too. This gives me both the Ultra and the Ultra G. Comparing side by side, and observing the beams without instruments they seem identical, other than one having the CMG logo and the other saying U.S. Government.
My CMG Ultra has a slightly narrower beam than my Arc-AAA.

After dark (now back to around 9pm in the Pacific NW) I'll go around the house with it and see how well it does.

I also just got a blue Glo-Toob, but I'll write about that in its own topic.
Originally posted by The LED Museum:
I just put the Ultra's page up:

Just the usual... preliminaries and a selection of photos and measurements.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Did somebody here say that either Ultra had a hand-picked "S" Nichia in it?
Did somebody here say that either Ultra had a hand-picked "S" Nichia in it?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Had made this observation in a different thread ...

Just rec'd Ultra from Brightguy (the usual top notch service).

Seems on a par with my ARC LE ... beam is a little wider because the Ultra's reflector is a little wider.
Looks like a Nichia S-rank is used also ... color matches my ARC LE, wheras my regular Infinity is quite blue in comparison. LED is mounted annoyingly off-center ... took the risk & partially repositioned it with a small screwdriver and then added the required piece of foam to eliminate battery rattle.
Head has shiny, bright copper/brass colored battery contact ... no "black dot"