Info on my laser pointer


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
In the beginning of laser pointers I bought what I was told was a good quality laser, tonight I took it apart for fun and now I want to know more..
The brass assembly is about 3/4" long one side has the serial#, the other half has a sticker with handwritten "2.46" on it.. Any ideas if this little thing has potential?
hmmm. really going to need some pics or something of the original pointer. Who is the manufacturer?
hmmmm. never seen it before. where did you purchase it? Runs on AAA's? Looks nice and easy to get into anyway, but i can't really see any driver either........
I got the laser in and around 1995-97, no recolection as where.. I paid just over a hundred bucks for it then.
Im not sure what a driver is, but you can see everything there is to see. It does run on AAA's.
If I can get anything else form it to identify it just let me know. I am very new at this..
If it is of any value then I found a new hobby, if it a cheap old laser that I paid too much for then I'll give it back to my kid so he can torment the dog. I'm leaning for the new hobby /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
OK. so its a red then?......... which is kind of what i was suspecting when i couldn't locate the driverboard. (circuit).
Give it back to your kid..... And go get your self a green pointer! You will be amazed!
I have the exact same one, it was a radioshack model at the time and the max output is about 4 mw before it changes modes, etc..
Anyway, nothing you can do to mod it really, just enjoy it as a red pointer. If I recall its 650nm.
I paid $400.00 for a red laser pointer sometime in mid-1992.
I believe it output <5mW at 650nm.

Needless to say, I returned it before my 30-day money back period had expired.
$400? Wow! Thats the price we pay to stay ahead of technology I guess..
Now you can buy one for $2 at the doller store.

Now I want one that will burn holes in my engine block..

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