Inova Microlight vs Photon..which is better?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2005
Hmm, I'm thinking of purchasing either the inova microlight or the Photon 2 for prizes (for a club I run in school). People say the Photon is brighter by IMO the inova looks a lot cooler, not to mention cheaper. In fact, I've managed to find a site ( where they sell the inova for a mere $4.84 while other places charge around $7-12. Is this too good to be true or is this a real deal? The same site sells the photon 2 for $12 or so, which is almost 3 times the inova. Is the photon worth the money? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif
I cant say between the two. I only own Photon III's and Photon Micro's. These have mutiple functions.

All the Photon lights are nice quality. If I were to receive either an inova or a photon II, I would hope I get the Photon.

If these are friends in a club of yours, I would spent the extra money and get them Photon III's. The functions it has makes it an AWESOME keychain light worthy of being a prize!
I give the Photon II as gifts now. I got to many complaints about the III coming on in pockets accidentally and running down.
Photons have a lot more choice of colors like my favorite after white - yellow and turquoise/blue-green.

However if the wider range of colors is not required -
I actually prefer the Inova form factor and operation.

I know that the translucent bodies definitely give a WoW! factor and tends to be people's first choice -

but personally I don't like the extraneous light and attention that the translucents give.

But when giving gifts - I have to remember to give what people actually want and not what I think is "better for them" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif......
We have both the Photon and the Inova Microlight. My wife loves her Photon and has gotten many years of good service.

I recently acquired a red Inova Microlight and also like it very much. Also- Inovas are cheaper, are easier to change out batteries, are more waterproof, and have a lot of different colors. Plus, the led is shrouded so it is not visible from the sideview.

Go Microlight.
The Photon II covert is my number one followed closely by the Microlight (for all the reasons stated above). The Photon II is my #1 over the other Photons because of the slide switch. I have several of the multifunction Photons and very rarely use anything execept the high beam. Photon II coverts have been very hard to find.
How many times to I have to tell you guys -- it's not turq, us macho guys call it Night Vision Green (NVG).

Actually, I think Photon (or some manufacturer) did that for a while.
I think the Photons were the first small LED lights marketed and they deserve recognition. They make a quality product and are still innovating. But now everybody and their brother's son in China are making similar products and they're as functional and dirt cheap.

A couple of years ago this was a common topic - the choices were between coin cell lights like the Photons and the Microlight, but now you can buy decent coin cell lights for $1-$2.

I'm torn. I believe that Photon and Microlight manufacturers deserve our support, but I can't personally justify spending the difference to buy them over some of the cheapies that I've found. There IS a difference in quality. The materials used are better - these two manufacturers are not ripping us off, but I can't personally justify the difference for gift giving, expecially for non flashaholics.

This past Xmas, I gave away about 3 dozen coin cell lights. Most of them were the 20/$20 County Comm lights and just before Xmas KevinL started selling Photon II knockoffs for $1.25 which have now become my preference.

So much for my input about alternatives. Back to your original question. My favorite between the two is the Microlight simply because of its utility. It has been "approved" for use in our Armed Forces. Someone has already listed its features and durability. I love mine and gave several as gifts before the cheapies were available. If you don't consider the knockoffs as another option and your choice is between the two, then I'd definately choose the Microlight at under $5. (BTW, I don't like the translucent ones).

But, there's nothing negative to be said about the Photons. I want to pickup a Freedom just because I've heard so much good about them and I want one. The simplicity of the IIs seem to be a favorite of everyone - you can't go wrong with them.

Good luck.
I agree both manufacturers are making the best of the coin cell lights. I originally had the Photon units five years ago when these things were still somewhat unknown, and I got a lot of comments at the campground. I even gave a few away to a few folks that were very impressed by them.

Since then I've switched over to the Inova brand for a few reasons; price, better constant-on switch IMHO, ease of battery replacement (no mini screwdriver needed). I have the clear case models, but I would have preferred a solid color at time of purchase.
I'd buy a ton of Countycomm keychain lights, give them one of each color and style. Sure, they're not Photons or Inovas, but they're still pretty cool, and the price is wayyyy right. .
This debate continues to arise, so...let me enumerate the reasons I prefer the Inova. #1 A protected LED which keeps #2 stray light from interfering with identifying what you're trying to see. #3 easier to change cells - just pop off the momentary switch cover. #4 no guessing about the switching - two switches offer instant feedback. #5 I like the clip. #6 the Inova's a better value (IMHO).

The Photon is smaller but will the difference be noticed? Unless the Photon has the more expensive covert option, it's useless for me. The Inova doesn't need an extra sleeve to be manipulated to avoid unwanted light from shining back into your eyes.

For many CPFers the Photon is "cooler" but I prefer function over form.
I have the microlight translucent white and i like it. I at first wanted black body when they came out, but settled. Now i like this better because i usually use the light to use my keys. since some light 'leaks' out, i can see my key to pick the right key, and aim the light at the lock...all without removing the light from the keyring.

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