Hi, I've just bought the Inova X5 and noticed a slight blue tint in the centre of the beam.
I understand that white LEDs are blue by nature, and that most other "white" LED lights are tinted blue to varying degrees more severely that the X5.
However, one of the main reasons for me to buy the X5 was the claimed "REALCOLOR(tm) night lighting". It was thus a little disappointing to see the blue in the hotspot, although the rest of the main beam was white.
I was wondering if anyone else has encountered the same. Is the tint to be expected, or is my X5 the exception?
Thanks for your advice.
I understand that white LEDs are blue by nature, and that most other "white" LED lights are tinted blue to varying degrees more severely that the X5.
However, one of the main reasons for me to buy the X5 was the claimed "REALCOLOR(tm) night lighting". It was thus a little disappointing to see the blue in the hotspot, although the rest of the main beam was white.
I was wondering if anyone else has encountered the same. Is the tint to be expected, or is my X5 the exception?
Thanks for your advice.