Inova X5 Vs. Eternalight Ergo, any comments?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2001
Houston, TX
For the Inova X5, I recomend holtz58. He'll sell them for around $36 shipped. Fast shipping, good email response. Check out Inova X5 thread on the Sale / Trade board. I've bought 2 lights from him with no problem. So have others on the board. He sell the MicroLite for a good price too.
To answer your question on the X5 VS Eternalite. That's a tough one. I have the marine model. I would say the X5 is brighter, but not enough to be the decideing factor (5 LED's VS 4 LED's). If I had to pick 1, it'ld be the X5 because of the shape. But I already have a large supply of 123 batteries because of the other lights I own. If not for that, I might pick the Eternalite. It'll use plain AA batteries, and I have fun with the functions. If you shop right, they're about the same price. Get one of each, then if you can decide, you can probably sell one for a slight discount ( I suspect you'll keep both
I would agree with txwest as far as brightness goes. They are very close. The Eternalight wins in the "gadget" factor, but the X5 is more practical (in my opnion). The X5 uses 123's and the Eternalight uses 3 AA's which are cheaper and more commonly avaiable. Although for a long runtime the Eternalight wins hands down.

If I had to choose I would take the X5.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AlexGT:
Hi guys, It´s been a year now since my last led light purchase<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow! Now that's will power. My struggle is to make it a month.

Brightness is near enough the same that you'll need to make your decision on other factors. The X5 is alluminum, and it's construction will probably be more enduring. But, the Eternalight has more feautures. If the programmed features of the Eternalight is important to you, the X5 won't offer you anything other than "on" or "off". Battery replacement with the X5 is quick. Battery replacement with the Eternalight is more cumbersome.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Empath:
Battery replacement with the X5 is quick. Battery replacement with the Eternalight is more cumbersome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
But if you get lithiums for the Eternalight, by the time you need to replace them, you'll have to find the directions because you will have forgotten how to do it.
Hi again guys !

I already have the Eternalight Ergo with lithium batteries, great light its the one that gets to be used most of the time, next the sure fire E2,9p, photon 2, lightwave, pal light gold, and scorpion, as you can see I´m hooked !
, and and want to get my next "fix" on leds.

For what I read from you guys its good enough to have, I read there is also a stainless steel model, anyone have this one?

Has Gransee updated his shipment date on the LS?

Thanks guys, I´ll email this gentleman to get me one, Silver or black? wich would you choose and why?


Hi guys, It´s been a year now since my last led light purchase, and I read interesting developments in the led industry, specially those LS that Gransee will be selling, I want to get one of those, but I think they are still in production phase, so I´ll just have to wait.

Any way, the reason for my post is that I am considering to buy the Inova X5 with 5 white led, but do not know how it compares to my eternalight ergo with lithiums, is it brighter, dimmer,equal ? It looks pretty on the pics and I think it´s about the size of my E2 so I can choose wich to carry on my belt pouch.

Has anyone put up some pics comparing the output of these two lights?

Are there others lights better for that size besides the Arc LS?

I see that neither Glowbug or Brightguy carry the inova, What other reputable, nice to do bussiness with kind of guy, out there that I can order the light from? does he or she have a web site?

Thanks in advance for your help and hope to read from you soon.

I have beam comparisons of one against the other on my reviews page. Left hand set of links near the bottom.

It's actually an eternalight Ergomarine, but I took shots with both lithium and alkalines in the ergomarine against the x5.

I have Inova X5 and new Eternal X-ray. As people mentioned, brightness is near enough not to be a deciding factor. The X5 beam is more tighter (for an LED light) then the Eternalight. I like both lights. You would have to decide if all the features the eternalight offers is worth paying approximately double for. I don't care much for the flashing or SOS modes of the Eternalight but the dimmable modes is nice as well as the blue locater LED and best of all, it has a nice simple on/off push button switch. If I could only choose one, it would be the eternalight but again it's double the price of the Inova.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AlexGT:
I already have the Eternalight Ergo with lithium batteries, great light its the one that gets to be used most of the time, next the sure fire E2,9p, photon 2, lightwave, pal light gold, and scorpion, as you can see I´m hooked !
, and and want to get my next "fix" on leds.
The X5 is a very worthwile purchase. Forget the SS model. It was too heavy & never made production. I would recomend the titanium for color. I like that color because it looks just like my gun metal E2. TX