Inova XO^3 with two 3.7v RCR123a's??


Aug 24, 2006
New York (not the city)
Does anyone know if it is safe to run the Inova XO^3 with two 3.7v's.

I am willing to sacrafice a little bit of life for the rechargable feature.

If its safe, do you think it would be significantly brighter?
Sorry, I don't have an answer for you. You may want to repost over in the LED section.
Aepoc said:
Does anyone know if it is safe to run the Inova XO^3 with two 3.7v's.

I am willing to sacrafice a little bit of life for the rechargable feature.

If its safe, do you think it would be significantly brighter?

I would try it with a 17670 instead. I don't know if an 18650 will fit, but I'm guessing it will so that should be an option as well.
This doesn't exactly answer your question, but it might be helpful anyway:

Inova X02 -- not compatible
Inova X0 -- compatible
Inova T1 -- not compatible
Inova T3 -- compatible

It should be noted that these results were not obtained through rigorous scientific experimentation. I just know that I put 3.7v RCRs in the above lights and two of them stopped making light very shortly thereafter. :mecry:
I have an Innova X03 and had this same exact question. After searching through several posts here I found that it will run on 17650 fine at a reduced output. Mine is very tight on primary CR123's and I dont think it will handle the extra width of a protected 17650. I think this is an excellent option if you can fit a protected cell in. Chevofreak has some very nice graphs posted that show runtime and output with the 17650.

I recall someone using 2 RCR 123 on this light. The voltage is too high and blew out the regulation board immediately. The light became extremely bright as it was now direct driven from the batteries. Led was still funtional and working although life expectency is questionable without the regulator. I would not try this option.

Another option that you might consider is the 3 volt li-ion cells. They are at a reduced capacity and runtime will suffer. I am not recommending this as I have not tried it personally but it may work....would be worth looking for someone who has tried this route.

Given that I dont feel I can fit a protected 17650 in my light which is in my opinion the best alternative I have just continued to use the primary Cr123's. Hope this helps and good luck with your X03 its really a tank of a light. Excellent throw I only wish it had a little more spill.

I wonder why it would run at a reduced output? The voltage of the 17670 should be greater than the forward voltage of the LED. I would think it should run at the same output as on two primaries if not better.
When you intall only 1 17650 you drop the voltage to the regulator from 6 volts down to 4.2 volts. I think that is why the output will be lower.
Anyway here is the post that I referred to earlier. Notice the excellent runtime chart in post 11. Also several mention that protected cells dont fit without modification to light due to insufficient bore of the light.
Hope this helps answer some of you questions.
saltwater said:
When you intall only 1 17650 you drop the voltage to the regulator from 6 volts down to 4.2 volts. I think that is why the output will be lower.
Anyway here is the post that I referred to earlier. Notice the excellent runtime chart in post 11. Also several mention that protected cells dont fit without modification to light due to insufficient bore of the light.
Hope this helps answer some of you questions.

Right, but why should that matter, when the forward voltage of the LED is probably just over 3V.