InReTECH, what about...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2002
by the river
When will you be releasing more details on your newly developed big boy flashlights? I was wondering things like LS configurations and wattage to help differentiate between the four of them. Also, what was gained by a tri-color, and if you have to have a special license from NASA to operate the Mega6-6D.
According to their web site 6 more days

I was thinking that the new light would be ideal with some sort of rechargeable configuration. Not where you take the batteries out, but where you could plug the whole flashlight in a charger etc.

Is there a rechargeable flashlight it would work on?
It's funny you should mention NASA because when I showed the 2x5 Watt version of this flashlight outside to some friends of mine, they mentioned that aliens were going to think they were being signalled. The advantage of Tri-color is that you get a different base of color for particular applications. White-White-Red is a combination we may try with a dive light someday, for instance.

On a not-so-happy note, we have been waiting for Craig to get better so he could review our products for the LED Museum. Since it looks like this is going to be a longer recovery than any of us would like, we are going to be auctioning off our prototype TRILIGHT to raise funds for Craig. As soon as we have a photo to let you know what you're getting, we will put the product up on the Buy/Sell/Trade forum. If he is out of ICU by this weekend, I will try to get a picture of Craig with the TRILIGHT.

TRILIGHT is InReTech's collimnated multilight LED adapter for Mag Instruments flashlights. Currently we can deliver white 1W adapters for 3D flashlights. We can deliver colored (blue and green) 5W adapters on request. When white 5W parts become available...there will be a stampede...sometime after that we hope to be able to get adapters out. The TRILIGHT is in prototype stage at this time pending a review of our lens attachment methods. We hope to have products available for customers soon.

Oh yes, the TRILIGHT with 1W is very bright. The MEGA-TRILIGHT with 5W parts is...well...test it using a welder's mask.
Oh, my! This is gettin' intrestin'. Six 5 watters on one torch.

Sometimes humor becomes reality. I think we all see good reasons for LED lighting in space. I wonder who is going to take the first ride.
Unless it was a fluke, I just put the new TechAss in a Mag AAA See:

CPF Thread

- Don

BTW, The instructions specify the drop in is for an AA but I never let instructions get in the way :)
6010 nsk-
Welcome to the CandlePower Forums.
Some of the more senior members are sure to reply to your question. I should let you know that one very sharp member, Saaby, will rightly suggest that you to immediately buy a...
Well, I'll let him explain.

I just recently started watching the mods and buy/sell/trade threads. They may be of interest to you.

6010 nsk-

There you go. You just got a rapid response from one of the most talented senior members before I could fumble-type my response. Even though McGizmo is a senior member, he still has some pep in his step.
Thanks Icebreak. Yeah, I'm trying to get some LED's in my cane and get some mileage out of it before it gets painted white...... :)
The MEGA6 is based on the SUPER6, it is another wide angle floodlight using 6 of the 5w parts, and its **VERY** Bright

The HELIOS is based on the TRILIGHT, it is a focused beam flashlight using 3 of the 5w parts

I do carry a gold covered shade #10 from a welding mask when people want to look at the LEDs in the MEGA6/HELIOS, otherwise - you get the "Dalmation Effect" (I see spots)

Um...oops, sorry McGizmo.

Really, I pay close attention to all your posts. Your skill and knowledge are highly appreciated.
No problem at all! I certainly have seen the years go by, just never bothered to mature..

Kind words you have said, I just hope you have a cup of salt handy when you read my posts! Those grains can add up and make you thirsty to boot.

- Don
Regarding your question about running a MEGA6:

The heatsink design in the SUPER6/MEGA6 has been vastly improved, and does allow more heat to be transferred from the LED to the metal

The heatsink also makes a better connection with the case, which allows it to radiate the heat to the outside

I have run the MEGA6 for 10-20 minutes at a time, long enough for it to heat up - and yes, you do feel a 10-20 deg rise in the head of the flashlight

But, if the LEDs are at least 75% eff, than only 25% of the energy would be converted into heat, with the MEGA6 - its 6x5w - or 30w, that relates to 7w of heat, like the same amount heat a "nightlight" puts out.
