Interesting and useful COB LED 2x18650 magnet work light I bought.

good point, and the fix for that, if needed, might be a wide silcone band around the body of the light, as a grip area. But yes, I'd say some of the exterior feels like that kind of texture. I've expreienced what you're talking about and it was related to heat, sweat, and storage in a car or on a window sill. I think. None of which apply to our usage of this light. If the sticky mess results from the chemical composition alone, occurring over time no matter the environmental or usage conditions, then I don't think it will happen with this light.

We have around 6 of these and none of our lights have had any external surface breakdown in their 2-3 yrs of use...mostly as desklamps or tool area lamps. So none of the lights have been held in hand for more than probably 20-30min. And the only thing that has broken is the mini-usb port on just one of the lamps which has a cracked cob glass too both issues becuase it fell while charging. But the light still works via charging the batteries externally.
Also want to thank Lynx_Arc for this great thorough review. I might never have tried this light without it.

I agree with everything said, with 2 additional comments:
1. It isn't necessary to unscrew the battery compartment each time you want access, because you can just remove the screws and never put them back, as we have. The plastic battery compartment lid fits so well and tightly that screws are redundant. Also, there's a high chance of eventually stripping those screwheads. They are the only component of these lights that aren't surprisingly durable considering the cost of the flashlight.
2. The awkwardly shaped hanging ring is shaped well for use as a tail standing support, though a metal plate is far better (see photo below).

Battery help: If @Lynx_Arc or anyone replies with replacement battery info, my original 18650 batteries that come with these lights are all still fine. I'm interested in finding alternative ones to keep charged and ideally "3400mah batteries" that last longer.

Below are the original 18650's and the batteries I bought that don't work with this light (again, probably only because I don't understand what batteries to order or not to order):
Dr. Prepare & battery w caliper measurement 1.jpg

Dr. Prepare & batteries flashlight 1.jpg
Dr. Prepare & batteries flashlight 2.jpg
Dr. Prepare, 4x 18650 batteries that don't work.png