ipod/itunes question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
First, I lost alot of music and other stuff when my HD started to click any way, i have about 400 songs on my ipod, how can i get them back onto my HD? Also i dont want to mess up my playlists on my ipod, how do i remove the music from the ipod and still keep it in itunes, I thought you were supposed to check the songs in "my ipod" or is it my library??
I'm not sure if you mean the HD in your computer or your iPod started clicking. If it's your iPod's, then letting your iPod rest in the freezer for a few minutes/hours might save it. That's pretty much a last resort rescue, though. If it's your computer's HD, then the freezer method is significantly more problematic :ohgeez:.

OK. I just read your post again. Now that I'm awake, I'm getting that you've already replaced your computer's HD and you just want to move the songs from the iPod to the new HD. I'd highly recommend iPodRip, by TheLittleAppFactory. It's bailed me out of a couple of jams, it handles playlists VERY well, and it's free for the first ten sessions. Hope this helps.
Open winamp. There's a winamp plugin called miIpod. Once configured correctly, it'll see your iPod and you can quickly dump the contents to your hard drive. There's plenty of tutorials on the iPod forums.
yup, there are several third party apps for doing this, and lots of tutorials. There are lots of iPod sites out there with instructions, I've spent some time goofing around on ipodlounge.com but there are lots.

Good Luck!

and make a regular backup of your music ;)
i have used a program called TUNEPlus which will take your songs from the IPOD and load them on to a new hardrive. It works with the ITUNES software. Once you have re-established you music on the HD, you can then use Itunes to synch it with the IPOD.