I have read many incan vs LED threads about the various pros and cons of the technologies, and the incan crowd's top two pros are always colour rendition and throw. Having started with incan and still keeping a 9P I know the merits of these two. The other pro that sometimes gets chucked into the argument is use of IR filters. I'm aware that incan puts out a lot of IR whereas LED does not, but I'm curious as to what people actually use IR for? Are you running around with night vision goggles for hunting, committing up-market burglaries, making 'Paris Hilton' videos, what?
I've only seen the SF IR filter and it seems horribly expensive so I'm guessing your uses aren't just 'messing about'?
Who would use IR filters and who would use IR bulbs?
I think there's a hole in my light education that needs plugging.
I've only seen the SF IR filter and it seems horribly expensive so I'm guessing your uses aren't just 'messing about'?
Who would use IR filters and who would use IR bulbs?
I think there's a hole in my light education that needs plugging.