Is a P61 brighter then a Surge?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
I have a Surge and a E2. The Surge is noticeably brighter then the E2. I just wondered how it stacked up against a Surefire P61 assembly. Thinking about buying the Botach G2 special and throwing in a P61 LA.

Also just curious. Is there much difference between the beams from a P60 LA and the E2 stock bulb? I know P60 claims 65 lumens vs. 60 for E2 bulb but I wondered about beam quality differences. If I buy the light I guess I'll find out.
I would say that it is brighter but not as much throw. As far as the E2 and a P60 the P60 is brighter and tighter with better throw. For under $40 shipped I would say its a must have.
The P61 is whiter and has more light than the surge, not necessarily brighter. The surge is brighter than my E2e and P60 but not the P61. The P61 has more light overall. Try an outside comparison instead of a wall beamshot, sometimes it's hard to tell off a wall because if a flashlight has a tighter focus, it will appear brighter.

If you get the G2, make sure you order the G2 Pyrex bezel with it to handle the heat. Lexan on the G2 will melt if left on for a long time with the P61.
Originally posted by Surefire M6:
...If you get the G2, make sure you order the G2 Pyrex bezel with it to handle the heat. Lexan on the G2 will melt if left on for a long time with the P61.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Did this actually happen to you, and do you happen to know if the same problem applies to the 6P/D2?

yes, I've melted a few lexans with the P61. More so with the P91 but the P61 can melt the lexan.

Luckily, the Z17 lens replacement kit easily replaces the lens on the 6P/D2/9P etc for $2-4. The G2 however, the lens is not replacable. I've heard that the replacement bezel with Pyrex for the G2 is $7. I have not confirmed this, just through e-mail with another CPF member.