these guys were making a Big one to charge mobile phones, claim many charges . . . more than its capable of
i also SAW a finished one, that was being sold to charge mobile devices, but slowly , that was big. it came foil wrapped, and looked like it was all air entry. it was HERE but now that particular page is gone.
i wanted to play with one, make a light, so i bookmarked it.
this thing here called a "fuel cell", is probably one of them
because i doubt it is hydrogen for a $49 "fuel Cell"
the link for the PDF doesnt work, but this does
they dumped the foil wrap, and made it all consumerish , like a calume light.
and HEre Is Mr Poo Poo Telling us what they conveientally left out
you must connect the large conversion connector to the base fuel cell. The fuel cell alone can not put out sufficient power. Inside the connector is a battery, which must be charged by the fuel cell first for a few hours, then you plug in your device.
thank god for the critics
there was also a Scooter once that was going to be the rage, using zinc air, and "rechargable" i was facinated, till i found out, you would just go to your local gas station, and pick up more ZINC to recharge it
does ZincAir have the capability of functioning in extreeme cold? not the energyser GEL one , but the normal ZA?