Is anyone else interested in incandescent because of the lack of blue spectrum that is even in warm LEDs?

You said nothing but imply Lux was psychotic and so on.
I haven't closely followed the thread but it doesn't appear to have deviated in an unreasonable way. You could be much more civil in your approach if you felt the need to comment as such.
Yeah, I'll admit to being curt, but the man conducts himself very poorly. Had I responded in kind it would have been much less civil.

I like CPF, but the political rants and tangents sometimes make it feel more like 8chan than a flashlight forum. Sometimes I get bothered enough to call it out. Usually I regret it.

Who knows, he may actually be having an episode. No need to add fuel to that fire.
Yeah, I'll admit to being curt, but the man conducts himself very poorly. Had I responded in kind it would have been much less civil.

I like CPF, but the political rants and tangents sometimes make it feel more like 8chan than a flashlight forum. Sometimes I get bothered enough to call it out. Usually I regret it.

Who knows, he may actually be having an episode. No need to add fuel to that fire.
To be fair I thought you were going reasonably well enough (in response) until that last sentence (above). Could have done without the insinuation.
I edited my post to be clear.
Could have done without the insinuation.

I thought your response was reasonable enough until that point.
I edited my post to be clear.
Could have done without the insinuation.

I thought your response was reasonable enough until that point.
A lot gets lost in these written snippets, but I'm being sincere. People do have episodes. Not something to joke about, or respond to with irreverence or cynicism. I don't know what the guy is experiencing and should not joke about something so serious.
I guess I'm having an episode also then. I FULLY agree with Lux Luthor. The past liberal administrations did commit treason and we the people need to act and push back. Leds are neat, but so are incandescents and at least incans weren't shoved down our throats. The American way is about choice--not about creating economic changes over some non existing climate change and putting regulations on people and companies. Now products aren't as good as they once were and we are in a throw away society. None of the major car manufacturers can build anything decent nowadays under these regulations, but we still pay dearly for those turds.
Our flashlights are being ruined because they made the battery manufacturers change their formulations to exclude mercury. They didn't used to leak like that. Yeah, mercury is a toxic heavy metal and once in the body it is difficult to detox from it, BUT there are certain types of medicine that has it in them and those medicines are ALSO pushed on us, so all this economic, environmental bull isn't for OUR betterment, but for the elites who would rather destroy we the people than look at us peasants.
The epa and their overregulations along with nafta has just about destroyed manufacturing in this country. Sure we have a LOT of well built chinese flashlights and a few American ones and they will still be working after our tin can crap vehicles are crushed and hauled off to the shredder so china will have more metal.

Fuel injection? A guy invented a carb that would get 100mpg, a fellow invented a system where you can run a lawn mower off of hydrogen (water). Their inventions are gone and so are they. Cure for cancer? Done, but where is it now and the person who found it? A fellow on yt found a way to run his hoped up 302 in a maverick to get 60+ mpg off a riding lawn mower carb. He best not try and market it lest he goes the way of the others.
Has anyone ever wondered what an emp would do to a lithium battery? I don't know, but it is something to think about. Pretty sure flashlight electronics would be ruined.

Teslas catch on fire when they get wet? One time the firefighters couldn't put one out so what did they do? They buried it.

What about those people in Hawaii who burned alive in their electric cars because they couldn't escape--couldn't roll the windows down and doors are locked with no way to unlock them. At least if you drive one of those things you need to have something that you could break the windows out with.... maglite to the rescue.

Yep this country is messed up--whole world really. Ran by elites giving out coolaid and ones who drink it and then try to regurgitate on us.
Now back when I guarded the abandoned #3 mines I had both my maglite ican 6d and a ML50 3c. There was a big pile of red rock about 50+ yards from me and it was gray with the ml50, but the incan made it look like it did in sunlight. So, who cares if you can't differate between black and navy blue socks? Ain't like ur boss is gonna have a sock inspection or something or your girlfriend is going to notice it on a date.
Mercy, I wasn't trying to be mean. I hope I didn't kill the thread. I have an attitude towards people over us limiting us far beyond what they ought to for foolish reasons and many folks going along with it and not pushing back, but pushing it off on others. I believe that many here are fed up with it just like I am. Is this about flashlights? Yes, incandescents...... and everything else. We should have equal choice on things. We should have freedom and not be forced into "their" box.
Another incan thread derailed by politics. I don't miss everything about the old CPF, but at least political posts were routinely removed from a thread like this. In light of these threads being mostly self moderated now, please, please, please limit the political posts to the Cafe and let the incan forum be about the hobby. :au:
Another incan thread derailed by politics. I don't miss everything about the old CPF, but at least political posts were routinely removed from a thread like this. In light of these threads being mostly self moderated now, please, please, please limit the political posts to the Cafe and let the incan forum be about the hobby. :au:
Dude, I understand what you are saying. Only thing is sometimes you can't separate the two. Because of "them" Incandescent bulb production has just about ceased if not totally ceased. Once we use up our supply there will be no more using and modding and enjoying incans--just looking back revinishing(sp? ). Really I'm not bringing politics into this--politics was already there but folks just don't want to see it. Politics are in many things and to be honest it is difficult to think of anything that it hasn't wiggled its way into somehow. If there are restrictions and regulations for no good reason (bunch of bull) politics are involved including incandescent flashlights. Can't you see my friend?
I guess you can't see. Oh well, somebody else who is in agreement with me please chime in if you want to. I don't think you can get away from politics on certain subjects that are going away because of politics. I mean a lot of people talk and have talked about incandescent bulb production ceasing and that is tied into political leaders/dictators who have messed up our hobby for crazy reasons that doesn't make any sense at all. I'm just glad that manufacturers made enough bulbs to last a while longer but when they are gone and we can't get them and we don't have them to put in our lights it will be the end of all incandescent forums and who will be the blame? Spineless politicians who caved into/sold out to the special interest of the elite instead of looking out for the interests of we the people who put them in office in the first place.

Conclusion? Our hobby will go by by because of spineless politicians playing dirty politics. And if anyone asks what happened we won't be able to answer because someone else yells foul... no talking politics.

Maybe we have hope though with this new administration. I hear MY president likes incandescents.
Another incan thread derailed by politics. I don't miss everything about the old CPF, but at least political posts were routinely removed from a thread like this. In light of these threads being mostly self moderated now, please, please, please limit the political posts to the Cafe and let the incan forum be about the hobby. :au:
Not really. I'm done unless someone builds another fire under me. I was through talking p*lit*cs till you mentioned it. Cmon dude, let's talk incandescents.....

My chickens tell me ol bigfoot likes it when people use incandescents instead of Leds when they go out into the woods. Leds hurt their eyes and that makes them grumpy. You want the bigfoot to go "woogy, woogy" not grrrr. Incans have probably saved lives because they keep the hairy one from getting an attitude.
I have an incandescent brinkmann x6 six volt flashlight that seems to put out a color temp higher than 5000k. The beam seems too white to me--kinda an almost angry white if that could be possible for an incan. When I compare it to my new ML25IT 3c I ain't long bought the ml25it's beam is so much more pleasant and throws farther.