Is it just me, or.....



are most of those Surefire forum guys about as fun as a box of rocks?
More fun here; you can't really 'overclock' a Surefire like you can a Luxeon.

Read the DB thread; Luxeon on steriods.
Keep the faith Lightspeed!

I just added to your recent SFDB thread.

Cross-membership is the way to go. And with some good humor, both forums can rock. It will just take some more "Junior Members" like us to really make it work!
Hey, Lightspeed, you must have missed the "Ballad of the E2 LOLA" on the SFDB by Jeff (also a member on this forum). Then there was the "Robert Frost" contribution by FineFive(Aluminum Overcast). Just two of the more recent, creative efforts that I found entertaining...but then that's just me.

The "action" over on the SFDB is a lot "slower," which is somewhat of a surprise since they have a significantly larger membership. But then again, their discussions are more or less "limited" to SF products.

I'm interested to see if the SFDB will lose "participation" due to "concern" over the seemingly unprecedented price increases. I know that I'm a mite disappointed in SF (and am in sticker shock), even as I drool over The Beast...