Is for Real?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 6, 2002
They have a nice web site, but never answer emails, or send out any tech info on their lenses.

There also have been some posts here at CPF from someone there, but again, when emailed, they never answer.

Has anyone here at CPF ever gotten a single email from these people, or had any contact with them?

Just wondering if they're for real, or just BS...........
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lambda:

Has anyone here at CPF ever gotten a single email from these people, or had any contact with them?

I'm pretty certain I've gotten mail from them, but that was before I lost a month's worth in a computer crash (before I got a Dell, that is).

So unfortunately, I don't have the name or email address of the gentleman who did write.
I also mailed them about the lens (45 degrees) of LUXEON twice.
There is no reply of theirs. I clicked "CONTACT US" on their WEB. And "To meet the team click here" was clicked. There, it is their mail address with seven persons.
It does not know whether I should just mail at which man.

They got back to me pretty quick. Of course, my good experience doesn't mean everyone's will be.

I did call them up, emailed them and visited their site on the same day. Maybe that did it?

I bet they are busy about now...

Same experience from my side. No answers to e-mail or enquiries. Luxeon technology is unknown in Namibia. It is easier for us to import from the UK than the USA. Their demo kits would be wortwhile demonstrating to the other engineering & architectural firms over here. That is - if we can get hold of some!

My job? - Engineer & Manager: Asset maintenance & Technical development for largest private company group in Namibia