Two points, first:
- Most smart chargers in the $25 range will use negative delta-V to stop the charge. This will "typically" lead to a slight overcharge that will lead to a degradation of the number of charge cycles beginning with the first charge.
- As the batteries age, there will be the possibility of an even more destructive cycle where the charger will miss the weaken "stopping signal".
Maha has refined their charge algorithim to take the tradeoff the above shortcomings by inventing a two stage charge that takes a bit more time but is much gentler on the batteries but still gives a full charge...that plus all the "high-end" features of an analyzer/former.
Your duracell charger might somehow terminate a bit early (i.e. not a full charge) to explain the long life of your batteries and unchanging performance from the 1st to the hundredth charge. There has been speculation that a "0 delta-V" charger could do this providing it could sort out the "middle region" where the slope also approaches "0".
Last, the Duracell Mobile Charger has been getting good reports about reliable termination at low currents (a difficult task). If the "One Hour Charger" uses a similar algorthim at higher currents, then the charger would generate a larger "stopping signal" to end the charge. This could explain the robust cool charging that "Magic Matt" has experienced. What say the other owners of this charger ?