Is this the best an E2D capable of, I'm confused.


Newly Enlightened
May 26, 2006
Hi everyone,

I'm a Surefire LED user, never seen a incan Surefire in action before. Recently I received an E2D as a gift. I thought all Surefire are equal in terms of beam quality and brightness, however, what I found was confusing and a disappointment.

The E2D, firstly has flat Pyrex glass window, not a dome one as previous reviews suggested. There is no dimple on the body indicating a LOTC position.

Upon turning on the light for the first time, I was shocked to see a yellowish hotspot, not anywhere near "white". I tried to use another pair of fresh batteries from the box, the same thing happens.

The beam itself is not what I was expecting, neither. Dark lines, "apple-shaped" hotspot, slightly donut central beam, out of centre beam in overal and a second 'corona' wraping around the central beam made me scratching my head in disbelief, "Is this a Surefire?".

So my last line is: Anyone who has an E2D/E2E, please, are these things normal or I'm just too unlucky enough to have a bad birthday present? Any suggestion?
Let's see a picture of the reflector and bulb. Maybe something is out of alignment or there's something wrong with the reflector.

The E2D hasn't come with the dome shaped lens for awhile now.
That is definitely NOT a Surefire quality beam from the sound of it.
Was this a NIB E2D? Used E2D?
This isn't anything like what comes out of my E2D. Can you post some pictures of the outside and inside of the light?

Also, check to see if someone replaced the MN03 high-output lamp with a MN02. The MN02 runs longer but is much less bright (25 lumens vs. 60). The color of the plastic at the base of the bulb will tell you which you have - the MN03 is brown and the MN03 is black.
I'll have to agree that this certainly doesn't sound like a Surefire incan beam. Surefire was renouned for there buttery beam shapes. As previously mentioned, check to see if the lamp is centered, as this is way out of character.
IF you're comparing it to LEDs, however, the beam will look yellow. It's a good beam for an incan, but way yellow compared to, say, and L4.
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Perhaps experiment with it out in the woods rather than on a wall and see if it appeals to you any better. :)
SFA, here are a couple of beamshots I took with a new E2D against a white ceiling 6 ft away. The E2D is on the right in both.



Hope this helps
Carbine its a Wolf Eyes Sniper with a Lumens Factory HO4 3.7V on the left, running on an AW 18650. The little shape in the lower picture is an MR16 lamp in the ceiling.
most SF incans, although not actually percectly white, are still closer in color to white than any LED I've seen. Led's look blue purple, violet, etc..farther away from white in color to a SF incan. Being a little left of center on the radiation chart means slightly yellow,...which is fine because it's more like sunlight and gives better color rendition than being right of center, which is into the blue colors...horrible color rendition. Get an LED if runtime is your thing, incans if ligh quality is your thing.
Maybe sombody can mod it with a Cree. It would have to be be somebody good.
To my knowledge, new E2D's are manufactured with a flat Pyrex window instead of the domed one. I'm sure Al or someone else can offer up some reason as to why the change, but the shape of the Pyrex should not affect performance.

There are no machined flats on Surefire clickie tailcaps. The LOTC markings are only featured on twisty lights, the G2 being an exception.

Your lamp assembly sounds like it could be defective. If you could post beamshots and a picture of the lamp itself with the filament in view (be careful not to get finger oils on the glass envelope!) it would help diagnose exactly what the problem is. If you are used to LED or fluorescent output, then the beam may appear (more) yellowish to you. If it is truly the lamp assembly to blame, then you should email or call Surefire's customer service and they will take care of you. I had a defective P60 and they sent me a new one, gratis, within a week (*YMMV).
Originally Posted by cbdudley
The color of the plastic at the base of the bulb will tell you which you have - the MN03 is brown and the MN03 is black.

I thought the MN01 was black, the MN02 was blue, and the MN03 was white. At least the ones I have are that way.
dw51 said:
I thought the MN01 was black, the MN02 was blue, and the MN03 was white. At least the ones I have are that way.

Thanks dw51.

The one I have is white ... I was beginning to wonder WTF I have.:sweat:
