Is this the one??


Newly Enlightened
Nov 15, 2000
Carriere, MS
Do I get a door prize for the 1000th post?
Ummm... I have 4 pennies and pocket lint. I wish I had more to give but I'm saving up for a move to Florida.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
Gunslinger, by the power invested in me by my laptop p/c I hereby Knight thee with the title Flashaholic Extraordinar
...David why would you want to move from California to Florida ? Well...gotto go...their having a topless bikini contest at the beach...let me see...where did I leave my suntan lotion

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by KenB on 01-19-2001 at 05:16 AM</font>
Yeah, as if nothing like that happens here ...


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KenB:
Gunslinger, by the power invested in me by my laptop p/c I hereby Knight thee with the title Flashaholic Extraordinar
...David why would you want to move from California to Florida ? Well...gotto go...their having a topless bikini contest at the beach...let me see...where did I leave my suntan lotion
If you're moving to FL, bring your own water. In about 3-5 years, we're going to having a shortage of water from the aquafier. When we start pumping from Lakes, Rivers, and maybe the Ocean. Purification from other freshwater sources will cost 10 time as much. Can you imagine, your water bill being about $400-600 per month? I don't even want to think how much it would cost to make Ocean water drinkable.