I did not know Fenix, Olight and Eagtac RCR's are junk either.
I use NiteCore 650 mAh RCR's. Soon Elzetta RCR's once they arrive.
Fenix 16340 cells are most definitely not junk, and I've not heard any reliable empirical evidence from anyone that they are.
I've had a bunch in service during the past 5 years (I use 16340 lights a lot), they all work well (incl. the on-board charge and hi-drain versions), I haven't retired any yet, and they're the primary (no pun) 'protected' 16340 I use. I've also tried both OL and ET 16340s and will just say that I don't think they measure up to the Fenix cells, but would stop short of calling them 'junk' - only that I don't plan to buy more of either after having tried them, which I guess speaks for itself. The ones you have on order are (apparently) an unknown at this point, but hey, take a walk on the wild side, and let us know how they test.
I still wouldn't use any of them in a ProTac 1L-1AA. I'll defer to SL's expertise on that, as I'm confident their knowledge on that point exceeds my own.
Edit: bykfixer, I realize you weren't personally calling those cells 'junk', but were referring to other comments (as am I). I should have clarified that.
Edit2: By the way, bykfixer - Speaking of over-the-top rhetoric - before you take delivery on those new cells, you may want to have one of those emergency clinic places on your speed dial in case you need rabies shots. Apparently you could be at risk.
I'm beginning to think there was something in the eggnog this year. Glad I don't drink it
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