It's CPF's Fault!


Jul 13, 2003
It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

For a number of years now I have been picking up flahlights at garage and estate sales, antique malls, auctions and wherever, mostly because I liked them. My friends and family just considered me a little eccentric. Then one day I discovered the forum and got inspired by Roy and motivated by Turbodog and started going to W-world, HD, etc. chasing down little colored MMs, dropping pills into some of them, and when asked why was I doing this I would answer that I am a certified "Flashaholic"... They simply say I'm nuts...(Pardon the slow load)


Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Nice collection!!
Anymore "you are a nut job" comments by simply respond with following:

I am not responsible for your lost. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Wow, I never knew such antique flashlights existed..... Nice collection!
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Nice collection Jeritall!! I like a lot of the oldie lights myself.(Even though I don't collect them)

My favorite response to people who think I'm crazy right now is " Don't make fun of me for my hobbie; I don't make fun of you because you're an a**hole! ".

I quote that because I don't remeber where I heard it and am not liable for any legal actions such as being sued. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

wow nice collection. i guess u wont have any trouble if they cut the power /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

My brain cannot remember how I found CPF but once upon a time I had only 1 Surefire 6P. Then Poooff! They multiplied!
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

I had a Photon II in turquoise, then I found CPF (or, more accurately, was directed to CPF)

Now I've got no fewer than 428 flashlights, 102 non-flashlight LED products, 20 seasonal lighting products, 24 non-LED miscellaneous lighting products, and 28 lasers.

That makes no less than 602 lighting products I have - and that's just what's on my website. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Big_Ed said:
Craig, I'd like to see how bright all those lights would be if turned on at the same time.

[/ QUOTE ]

and maybe using some prisms all combinded into one beam and turned into a mega death ray that can melt gas guzling SUVs and turn chocolate bars to a yummy coco spread that little kids can enjoy.. im getting carried away again...
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

The_LED_Museum said:
I had a Photon II in turquoise, then I found CPF (or, more accurately, was directed to CPF)

Now I've got no fewer than 428 flashlights, 102 non-flashlight LED products, 20 seasonal lighting products, 24 non-LED miscellaneous lighting products, and 28 lasers.

That makes no less than 602 lighting products I have - and that's just what's on my website. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

News at 11... massive explosion happened last night when 600 flashlights went off simultaneously at a flashaholics house, people were blind for blocks and traffic was halted because nobody could see what color the traffic lights were showing.
Government blames flashaholic terrorist for causing pandemonium and is now requiring all flashlights to be registered and calls for a ban on assault flashlights which it claims are any light above 1cp....
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

The_LED_Museum said:
I had a Photon II in turquoise, then I found CPF (or, more accurately, was directed to CPF)

Now I've got no fewer than 428 flashlights, 102 non-flashlight LED products, 20 seasonal lighting products, 24 non-LED miscellaneous lighting products, and 28 lasers.

That makes no less than 602 lighting products I have - and that's just what's on my website. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif

[/ QUOTE ]id gess ya have best colection on board.thats a lot a lighhts.i have like 23 bu5t some are keychains from country comm
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Yes, Craig, my collection's your fault! As if finding CPF...

Which is actually the fault of a site called GideonTech, which is where I saw the link to your site...

And yes, flashlights have this strange way of multiplying when you're not looking.
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Certainly a nice looking collection and display as well!! Thanks for posting the pics!
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Dang! I recognise a few of those lights as ones that I've owned in the past. Really nice collection /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif
Re: It\'s CPF\'s Fault!

Beautiful. A rich collection in terms of aesthetic and nostalgia!
