It's official. I'm a Millennium Series addict.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 14, 2009
Montreal, Canada
Someone...was supposed to start this thread but he's taking too long and I'm too eager to share this magnificent light.

To start things off I present my crosshairs M3 with 19 LED KL2 and SW01 slim.
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Re: Surefire Millennium Series.

WOW! Nice you finally got it all together looks great. Just love the Crosshair logos and that version of the logo looks better than the real early ones in my opinion.
I think that person who said he would get the Millennium Series thread going properly has been doing to many double shifts to pay for all his lights and just did not have enough hours in the days to get it all done who was that :thinking:

How about changing the name of the thread to encourage others to post their pics of their Millennium's
To something like

show us your Millennium Series


Its official. I'm a Millennium Series addict

I have a few pics done to add to this thread just need to find the time to upload them.

cheers for now.
Re: Surefire Millennium Series.

Sorry, no M-series lights in my stable (at least not yet!), but I like the 2nd title suggestion given by Rat :)

James, your sample is slammin! Give us more angles ;)
The M1 only counts if you sell it to me :devil:
Title has been changed. Thanks Will & everyone for the great name.

now let's get this thread loaded with pictures.
I'll play...although I no longer have a 19-LED KL2 :0(

Here's an M1LT (?) shown next to an M3LT-S (Yes, it works...but impractical as hell)

And an M961-3lts thinga-ma-jigger :0)

OK, now for some real non frankenstein millenium goodness

M3 with 2nd gen bezel

Old school M3's and M6 Magnumlight


Magnum and Guardian M6's shown side-by-side

Several of the M3's shown with an L6

The millenium family for a get together

M918FA on my 870 Marine Magnum

And some Millenium "compatabilty" diagrams:



And lastly, a M981 12-volt weapon light
Nice Collection :thumbsup:
4th picture down the M3 on the right that's the famous CPF NIB/NOS still with tag M3 A00180 Isn't it :naughty:

In the first picture the UL10 does that tail cap screw on ? I cannot find a tailcap to fit my UL10 ?

EDIT: NIB/NOS = New In Box / New Old Stock
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Yes, it is the famous A00180. Luckily I got a replacement, though not nearly as nice. I was able to get a tailcap on the specific model of LU10. If you look at it in the "Compatability Diagram" pic, you'll notice that it has just a hair more space below the threads, which allows you to get the tailcap on it.
Ok I think I have most of the M2 Generations plus one proto type. Correct me if I have anything wrong.

1# 1st​ Gen* The Centurion. Logo: Crosshair & Centurion blank on the other side. Old school clip, three flats version, plane Z44 bezel and laser products tailcap.

It's a little controversial some people call it the first C2 but it came with a manual that had "M2 Centurion" on the cover see below. Most people know it as the early M2.

2# 2nd​ Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Crosshair on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion on the other.
Three flats version, old school clip, plane Z44 bezel and laser products tailcap.

Very rare M2 only one other CPF member that I know of has one. Could be more as there are so many SF collector sleepers out there.

3# 3rd​ Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion on the other.
Three flats version, New clip, ribbed shock absorbing plane bezel, laser products tailcap low serial numbers around 6000 & www.Surefire tailcap on higher serial number.

4# 4th Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion US patents on the other.
Four flats version, New clip, ribbed shock absorbing plane bezel and some with the caution hot logo, www.Surefire tailcap.

5# Proto type* The Digital Series M2D CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Digital Series M2D CENTURION on the other.
Four flats version, New clip, Different machining on the crown of the body, Mini M3 style shock absorbing plane bezel, Spec's PWN 4VDC 5W. Inductor tailcap.

6# 5th​ Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion US patents on the other. NOTE: also came out with the new Surefire logo
Four flats version, New clip, New style shock absorbing bezel caution hot logo, www.Surefire tailcap.








This Manual came with light No: 1 "Not the light above"

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Loving this thread... makes me want to beef up my recently downsized collection again!
Red you do know that you have played a big part in my obsession with C2's & M2's. It all started with yours and Eric's cool collections of some of the nicest M2's & C2's I have ever seen. So yes you are to blame for my loss of plenty of $$$

You should post a few pic's of your M2's in here when you get time.

nice shots everyone!

they never made an M5 did they?

No M5 :confused: Have a read here

Don't have the M4 or an M1 yet. But here we go.

Here is my M6, M3T with SW02 tailcap, M2 with Ribbed Head and a Z48 tailcap and a couple of parts a M2 (Z32) New Style Head and a HAIII Z41

Millennium Weaponlight dont remember the part # HAIII Bezel/Nitrolon Body 6V
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Great combo's Pablo & Big. I think the SW02 was meant to be on the M3 it looks so at home.

Here is one more of mine. I have had it for a while now got it from a CPF member a few years back cannot remember who but thanks again I am sure you know who you are. NIB never used
This M4 has the best HA finish out of all my Surefire lights. It is just amazing it's hard to explain the finish. The best way I can think of would be a very dry look if that makes any sense and perfect matching HA with all three parts.

Cross-hair A000667

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Back row: M4 CB with SW01 fatty and it's twin with an Armor black Cerakote job.
M6 CB with MD60
sides. LEFT: Crosshairs M3 with SW01 Slim adn KL2. RIGHT: M3 CB with Z48
Front Center: 3flats M2
