It's official. I'm a Millennium Series addict.

Beautiful light. Thank you for sharing it.

And in incredible condition. Very nice addition to the collection!

Brian wow again this is one incredible light, this is the lowest serial number I have seen on the M6 version with the crosshairs logo. Great find and great condition too. Before James calls for it I will take it if you ever decide to sell it. :sold: to


Very nice bound :thumbsup:. I like this version. The color and HA is amazing. Different than the others.

Looks like your is more senior than mine - A00093

M6s' Crosshairs. I think I've posted this elsewhere but here it is again. The head on mine however was bitten by ants as it looked so sweet.

LJ :)
Thank all for your appreciation!:)
Time to wake up this awesome thread... I've had old skool M2 for a while (with damaged bezel and tail) but never took it as M series - but C2 series... :)

But thanks to a special member here I am now a proud owner of brand new Surefire M3 !!! A new saga begins...

Ok I think I have most of the M2 Generations plus one proto type. Correct me if I have anything wrong.

1# 1st​ Gen* The Centurion. Logo: Crosshair & Centurion blank on the other side. Old school clip, three flats version, plane Z44 bezel and laser products tailcap.

It's a little controversial some people call it the first C2 but it came with a manual that had "M2 Centurion" on the cover see below. Most people know it as the early M2.

2# 2nd​ Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Crosshair on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion on the other.
Three flats version, old school clip, plane Z44 bezel and laser products tailcap.

Very rare M2 only one other CPF member that I know of has one. Could be more as there are so many SF collector sleepers out there.

3# 3rd​ Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion on the other.
Three flats version, New clip, ribbed shock absorbing plane bezel, laser products tailcap low serial numbers around 6000 & www.Surefire tailcap on higher serial number.

4# 4th Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion US patents on the other.
Four flats version, New clip, ribbed shock absorbing plane bezel and some with the caution hot logo, www.Surefire tailcap.

5# Proto type* The Digital Series M2D CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Digital Series M2D CENTURION on the other.
Four flats version, New clip, Different machining on the crown of the body, Mini M3 style shock absorbing plane bezel, Spec's PWN 4VDC 5W. Inductor tailcap.

6# 5th​ Gen* The Millennium Series M2 CENTURION. Logo: Surefire on one side with Millennium Series M2 Centurion US patents on the other. NOTE: also came out with the new Surefire logo
Four flats version, New clip, New style shock absorbing bezel caution hot logo, www.Surefire tailcap.








This Manual came with light No: 1 "Not the light above"


I have found Centurion M2 at my collection yesterday. It looks exactly as Mod.2 on picture above with crosshair logo, but has head from Mod.3. I do not know why. I bought it from SF dealer without box and papers, it was display model. I do not presume that he changed heads, it was the only one M2 he had for sale (I bought all old bulb models from him: 2x M3, M2, E2Z, LEDs L6, L1) . Maybe production run changes from Mod. 2 to Mod. 3? Serial no. is A03xxx. Sorry, I can not post attachments as a newbie here.
Bryan the links are broken and the pictures are not showing up on the post

Hi Luis,
I do not know, because I can open the picture. However, when I try to upload images using not always successful, it seems that I need to be patient and try again, I hope these pictures repaired as soon as possible.
I have found Centurion M2 at my collection yesterday. It looks exactly as Mod.2 on picture above with crosshair logo, but has head from Mod.3. I do not know why. I bought it from SF dealer without box and papers, it was display model. I do not presume that he changed heads, it was the only one M2 he had for sale (I bought all old bulb models from him: 2x M3, M2, E2Z, LEDs L6, L1) . Maybe production run changes from Mod. 2 to Mod. 3? Serial no. is A03xxx. Sorry, I can not post attachments as a newbie here.

Hey, do you have some photos of your LEDs L6? I'm looking to upgrade my Centurion C3 that I have for ages or to buy a new model but still cannot decide which one.
Putting this here since a C2 is basically a M2...

Many moons ago I scored an eBay listing that had both a Surefire Scout and C2-HA light. The C2 had been used, but not abused. I removed the P60 and replaced it with a Malkoff M61L 219, and I find it is my favorite light to use around the house when I need a decent amount of light for a decent period of time. The host already has enough slight wear that I'm not concerned with putting it to use, the price was definitely right, and it is bulletproof. Not to mention it has a nice blend of usefulness: solid, robust build of a 6P, the long clip which is good for pocket carry, as well as the rubber grip (reminiscent of the Z2) that allows use with a handgun. I'm pretty sure if I could only have one light, it would be the C2 with a Malkoff drop in.

As a matter of fact, the cable/internet repair guy came to the house a couple days ago, and we were in the attic. He whipped out his flip phone to use the built in flashlight, and I pulled out the C2. The M61L 219A did an amazing job giving a nice even area light with perfect color rendition.

I'll try to get a picture when I get home since pictures are always nice :)

Edited to add pics:


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I have found Centurion M2 at my collection yesterday. It looks exactly as Mod.2 on picture above with crosshair logo, but has head from Mod.3. I do not know why. I bought it from SF dealer without box and papers, it was display model. I do not presume that he changed heads, it was the only one M2 he had for sale (I bought all old bulb models from him: 2x M3, M2, E2Z, LEDs L6, L1) . Maybe production run changes from Mod. 2 to Mod. 3? Serial no. is A03xxx. Sorry, I can not post attachments as a newbie here.

It sounds as if we have the same light.


I purchased this light new from a Surefire dealer and carried it for several years.


My wife liked this light so much, it found a new home in the top drawer of her nightstand.


With my only other Surefire handheld in the background.


i do have another Millennium, but it's an IMPL weapon light.
I was messing around Friday night with my 9P, A19, Lumens Factory C-M adapter, and a Z46 from my M961. Two 17670s pair with a MN11 makes for some pretty wicked bright light that out-throws its lumen rating. Jeez, love me some 9v incan goodness. Maybe I'll keep my eye out for a used turbohead and build me a poor man's M4.
I was messing around Friday night with my 9P, A19, Lumens Factory C-M adapter, and a Z46 from my M961. Two 17670s pair with a MN11 makes for some pretty wicked bright light that out-throws its lumen rating. Jeez, love me some 9v incan goodness. Maybe I'll keep my eye out for a used turbohead and build me a poor man's M4.
thanks for the tip! I'll try out two 17670s and an MN11 in my M4. How's runtime?