Jeers to people who don't control their dogs!

Valpo Hawkeye

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 17, 2006
Valparaiso, IN
First off, I know there's a Cheers and Jeers forum, but now that that's on the marketplace, I figured this might fit in here. If not, mods, please move it.

Anyway, I'm tired of people who don't control their dogs. I walk my dog in my subdivision on a daily basis. It seems like every day or every other day someone's dog tears out of their yard, accross the street and comes over to my dog and me. Most times they're friendly, but sometimes they're not. It got so bad one time that my greyhound, one of the most docile, quiet, controlled breeds out there actually jumped in between me and the menacing black lab. I yelled "GO HOME" at the dog and he looked suprised and actually retreated.

She's been humped, snipped and even bitten on our walks. I always try to get between her and the approaching dog, but those animals are fast. I'm trying to keep good relations with my neighbors, but I had to put antiseptic on my dog's butt tonight for a bite! :mad:

What are my options? If I stab/beat someone's dog, am I a bad person? Do I have liability?

It just pisses me off because my wife and I always have our dog on a leash, we always pick up her poop and she doesn't bark or cause trouble or anything. Despite this, trouble finds her.
Did you get the 'tag' of the offending dog? Call animal control and have them come and get the nuisance.
Did you get the 'tag' of the offending dog? Call animal control and have them come and get the nuisance.

No, I didn't realize that she had been bitten. But when I brought her in I saw the blood on her butt. It doesn't look too bad and she's had all her shots/boosters. We use this stuff called Pulvex that is an antibiotic salve and so I put that on her, but she does have some light bruising. She didn't yelp or anything, so I didn't even know she had been bitten.
If your walking your dog in your own neighborhood you and your dog should get to know your neighbors and their dogs and if you have an issue with one of the dogs, have a talk with your neighbor and try to work out a solution. Calling animal control or beating/stabbing your neighbors dog sounds a little extreme to say the least (unless of course your in real danger).
In my neighborhood all the dogs know each other and get along fine and were all one big happy family.
A little neighborliness and tact go a long way.
This is the kind of thing that has me thinking pepper spray, unfortunately.

When I used to walk to school, I ended up carrying a clublike stick with me.

Some dogs seem to lead a "double life".
Life with thier family, and life outside the fence when the family isn't paying attention.

If you find out who's dog it is, then just politely let them know where you found it when you get time.

Good luck. :)
I have to agree. I'm not a dog guardian (dog "owner"), but boy oh boy it irks me terribly when I step on a dog bomb someone left on my front lawn.

When I drive down my street to work in the morning I'll see 5-8 people walking their dogs, and maybe one of them will have a pooper-scooper. The rest just let leave filth behind for their neighbors to clean.

I have half a mind to leave the Thor Cyclops by the door so I can chase dog guardians off my property just when their dog is in mid-squat hahaha...
A little neighborliness and tact go a long way.

Except when they don't.

All too often nowdays, some people don't respond well to tact and politeness.

Requests from neighbors to curb problematic or anti-social behaviors often fall on deaf ears.

A little off topic but what annoys me about dog owners is that alot of them don't clean up after their dogs despite risking being fined up to £1000

I always clean up after my dog, i'm fedup of standing in dog crap.
I am lucky to live on the end of a long culdesac, we are all dog owners and we all know each other. The dogs all come out and play together. However the downside is that if someone comes walking thru they will be approached by what could be construed as a dog gang trying to be your best friend. Hopefully no one will ever complain because we all enjoy standing around talking while the dogs play 'off leash'.

As for the dogs that are actually biting. That is a situation where you need to confront the owner. Tell them what happened and politely inform them you will be forced to use force if approached by their dog again. Let them know it is not because you are retaliating but just defending yourself and your dog from their dog who has now proven to not be capable of behaving 'off leash'. Good luck, my old boss had a similar situation and round 2 ended with him punting their dog shortly followed by a police visit. Needless to say there is now more than a bit of neighborly tension :)
LOL !!

I can second that. As a kid, I delivered newspapers for several years. I got bitten more then once by a loose dog whose owner had told me "don't worry, this dog doesn't bite". I second what Raggie says as well. If there's a leash law and the owner doesn't abide then I think they should be held fully accountable even if indeed the dog is very friendly.
I've had it with the neighors dogs crapping all over my property.
In the past I hired a lawyer, involved animal control and the police, even the DA called the pound and told them to 'do their jobs..'
The people left the property, and left the dogs behind, animal control eventually was convinced to come and get them..
after a couple years of the place being vacant, a new group of people moved in, about a year and half ago, with no dogs. then it wa 2 dogs. then it was it's 12, all continuing to bark half the day, invade my property and defecate everywhere..animal control does nothing, the police do nothing..
I'm getting a large trap and will start disappearing the dogs..I'll bring them to the pound. What ever happens after that; too d bad..I've had it with them.
yeah; the lawyer was about $2000 a ring... that's alot of flashlights...
I can't afford to go that route again..
I've had it with the neighors dogs crapping all over my property.
In the past I hired a lawyer, involved animal control and the police, even the DA called the pound and told them to 'do their jobs..'
The people left the property, and left the dogs behind, animal control eventually was convinced to come and get them..
after a couple years of the place being vacant, a new group of people moved in, about a year and half ago, with no dogs. then it wa 2 dogs. then it was it's 12, all continuing to bark half the day, invade my property and defecate everywhere..animal control does nothing, the police do nothing..
I'm getting a large trap and will start disappearing the dogs..I'll bring them to the pound. What ever happens after that; too d bad..I've had it with them.
Another way would be to doctor some shotgun shells by replacing the shot with rock-salt granules. An ounce of that in its butt, the dog won't come back.
yeah; the lawyer was about $2000 a ring... that's alot of flashlights...
I can't afford to go that route again..

Got a digital video camera?
Then upload the video to and let the whole world see.
Somebody will then have to do something about it then, one would think.

Here's an example.
Some video I shot and uploaded in another thread here in the cafe.
Some of you have probably aready seen this rotten road.
It was a 4 megabyte, 49 second length video.

Now if one can catch any loose dogs on video, that may help a lot.
Video has historically been seen as pretty good evidence.
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yeah, video those nuisance dogs and upload them to the internet. They'll be famous long after they're gone.