Jeff Hanko Tribute thread


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2009
Picking up the idea from a member of this forum, I think the wonderful lights Jeff has built over the years, mostly D10 and EX10, deserve a thread where all the lucky owners and fans can express their views and post their photos.

This is not only a tribute to a great craftsman's work but overall a great and special person. One of a kind.

Here are mine, but I hope to have more in the near future, once he restart production with his new hardware/workshop.

A new era of JHanko's is coming up... (I wish)

D10 -- EX10 -- LF2XT

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A pity the missing posts in this thread... (I just realize)

It must happened when the new software was installed :(
If we can't get the posts back then let's re-do it, and threat it as a new thread.:popcorn:

Let's shake this a little bit.

LF2XT - 6 yellow trits (a special and unique work from Jeff) and her sister D10 3D - 15 green trits

Isn't she a work of art?

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Another stuff...

The head in this Ti LF2XT (run #1 from Steve Ku) was badly treated so Jeff gave it a
new design and restored a nice look

The kingdom of trits... Most of the stuff from Jeff Hanko

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These are incredible.

Must. Have.

Does Mr. Hanko still make lights? I just did a search and his last post was September of 2010.
He's not accepting any order since is in the proccess of setting up his new shop
and it takes time...

All we can do is wait patiently.
What is that light at the bottom, lying down? Looks like Damascus but the color is all wrong. If it's at all possible I'd love to see a macro shot of that.
Thanks Zeruel
(Should miss the suscribed thread when CPF changed the software...)

brembo: it's a damascus shorty LF2XT (prototype), though it's not easy for me and my camera
to catch this beauty. I should send it to Zeruel for a really nice shots...