
Mar 31, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
My recently arrived Jet-1 worked like a charm for a couple of days, but has since decided to play up. Basically, when it is switched on, it takes 10 or more soft presses until it changes modes. Once it has "woken up" and responds to soft presses, it works just fine for mode changing and programming. However if it's switched off for more than a few seconds, I have to go through the 10 soft press rigmarole again.

I've cleaned all the threads, tried different batteries and chemistries etc, the problem persists. It's not the switch, since the light actually does turn off briefly during the soft presses, it just doesn't repond. I'm abit annoyed really, since apart from a dodgy beam the torch is really nice.

I've contacted Jetbeam directly, but in the mean time I thought I'd ask if anyone else has seen this behaviour, if it can be fixed, and how are JetBeam to deal with in terms of warranty returns?

Thanks guys for any answers.
It looks like scopeandlaser has a 3 day return policy. If you're over the 3 days it's best to contact JetBeam directly and ask for warranty service.

Did your Jet-1 IBS come with the older style tailcap? I got mine from Bugoutgear and it's got the new style clickie which has no problems so far (aside from being hard to press).
It looks like scopeandlaser has a 3 day return policy. If you're over the 3 days it's best to contact JetBeam directly and ask for warranty service.

Did your Jet-1 IBS come with the older style tailcap? I got mine from Bugoutgear and it's got the new style clickie which has no problems so far (aside from being hard to press).

New style tailcap. I don't think the tailcap is the problem, I think the electronics are shot. I'm over the 3 days, so JetBeam direct for me!
I agree that it sounds like an electronics issue. As it was purchased from scopeandlaser, it probably has an HK series serial number, in which case you'll likely need to get it serviced through Fu Lee (


Thanks mate. I would (should) have actually bought through southernlights but you didn't have em in stock!

Very interested in the Jet-1 Pro IBS when you get one in.