JetBeam JET-I PRO (Cree R2) 1AA Review: Beamshots, Runtimes, and more!

wow, you're like the consumer reports of cpf. i will never buy a this jet pro now. whats the point of an r2 with a driver that seems basicly like a horribly inefficient resistor for getting low and medium. i mean seriously. low and medium dont last longer than high??? might as well be a one mode light in my book. the point of a low low is not just creeping around the house at night. its for a long runtime/good emergency light.
whats the point of an r2 with a driver that seems basicly like a horribly inefficient resistor for getting low and medium. i mean seriously. low and medium dont last longer than high???
I agree the original R2 Jet-I PRO was inefficient on its low/med modes - but this light is no longer available.

JetBeam replaced it with an IBS version that is a lot more versatile - see my review of the Jet-I PRO IBS here (along with 2AA version). Performance on 14500 is greatly improved, although the IBS circuit is still not your best choice for standard battery efficiency. Tailcap clicky is also much improved. Unfortunately, this new light is only available in Q5, but that is the case with a lot of manufacturers (R2 is still too difficult to get in quantity).
Removing clip from JET-I Pro v2

Hey guys, long-time lurker on the forums. I just received my JET-I Pro V2 today. It's is a stunning piece of equipment. I would like to remove the clip from it, but finding it very difficult to do. I put it in a vise and tried to pull it out with pliers. It does pull out towards the back of the light, right?

Can anyone who has done this provide specific instructions? I don't want to damage the casing of the light. Thanks!!
Re: Removing clip from JET-I Pro v2

Hey guys, long-time lurker on the forums. I just received my JET-I Pro V2 today. It's is a stunning piece of equipment. I would like to remove the clip from it, but finding it very difficult to do. I put it in a vise and tried to pull it out with pliers. It does pull out towards the back of the light, right?
No, it pulls out toward the front of the light. I've heard someone say once that a popsicle stick works well for leverage.