JetBeam RRT 1 Long road to repair


Newly Enlightened
Jan 18, 2010
My RRT 1 had a loose control ring and it would not go into high all of the time, this later proved to be due to a misalignment of the magnet in the ring. JetBeam 1st referred me to someone in the Great Lakes (US) area that was not possible to contact. JetBeam then asked that I send it back to China and after only 2 months I received it back. The loose control ring was now tight but the problem of not going into high was still there. At this point JetBeam has stated that they would send a replacement and asked that I return the defective one. Will update you when the new one gets here. Note that I own more than a few JetBeams and they are great lights but if something goes wrong it is not a easy fix.

Sorry to read about your JB problem. The JB is not the only mfg to have problems w/ complex UI. The stinky part is that local repair is not really an option. IMO, at JB price point, they should, right from the start, just send a replacement light w/ prepaid return for the faulty light.
What happened to all the other replies in this thread? There are at least 3 or 4 missing including the one I just received a notification for ???

EDIT: I just found the answer in the link at the top of the page
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I recently sent my JetBeam Light (an old IBS) to China to be fixed.

It took awhile, but it did get returned fixed.

The light was out of warranty too.

I'm happy.
So are Jetbeam light generally considered to be good quality, or are they regularly a bit hit and miss?

I've only been a member here just over 3 weeks and have read a ton of stuff about as many different lights as possible.
There seems to be the occasional issue pop up with most brands, but lately I seem to be reading more about Jetbeam, which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence for the future of my 4 JB lights :confused:
So are Jetbeam light generally considered to be good quality, or are they regularly a bit hit and miss?

I've only been a member here just over 3 weeks and have read a ton of stuff about as many different lights as possible.
There seems to be the occasional issue pop up with most brands, but lately I seem to be reading more about Jetbeam, which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence for the future of my 4 JB lights :confused:

Yeah, my post disappeared as well.

I am not sure how to answer your question about jetbeam quality at present. When I was researching, I really didn't see anything to concern me. Having said that, I recently purchased the rrt-0 r5 and I didn't even get a day out of it before I started having all kinds of issues.

IMO, if you spend ~$100 on a flashlight, it should work. Period.

Fortunately bugoutgear is replacing it for me (I am still waiting for it to arrive), but they shouldn't have to do that. It should just work. And I would like to make it clear that my experience with bugoutgear has been exceptional. Thank you, flavio.

Prior to my experience, I was looking at the bk135a (but I don't care for the camo, I would prefer an all black or gray exterior) or possibly the jet1 pro v3.

Jetbeam lights are very good looking, much better looking than any other light I have had, but if there is a good chance they don't work, what good are they? I hope that this is not a normal experience with jetbeam quality, but I am going to have to wait before I order another one. I certainly don't hear about these issues with zebralight.

Just a very disappointing experience with jetbeam.
I am a owner of 3 jetbeam flashlights:i pro v3.0 , rrt-0, 3m.
All of them are in good working condition up to now. rrt-0 is good for edc, palm size and easy to play.I have the confidence on Jetbeam's built quailty.
You maybe too "lucky" to get the defective one. Sorry to hear to your experience.But Bugoutgear provides a flavorable customer service to you.
Some time ago I bought two RRT-0 R2 and I have been very satisfied from tehir built quality and functionality. I considered Jetbeam to be second in quality only to SureFire.

Since I like a lot the ring-controlled UI, last monthh I decided to buy a two-cell ring controlled light. I chosed to order a JetBeam RRT-2. When I received the flashlight, it has some problems: when turning it on high level, it was coming on on medium. After three or four seconds, it was switching -without further intervention - to high. At the same, when the light was on medium and i turned the ring to place it on high, it required -randomly - from one to four seconds to switch to high level.
I tought to have got a lemon - it can happen - but since the dealers don't test the lights before they ship them, I decided not to challenge the law of probabilities, and asked a refund instead of a replacement. The dealer I bought the light from, promptly agreed to give me a refund.

Two weeks later, I bought two JetBeam RRT-0 R5. I said, I like the build quality of JetBeam, and I wanted to upgrade my EDC (the RRT-0 R2).
Well, both lights were defective. They were not turning on at high level, they required the same few seconds; also, when on, the ring was so sensitive that they were switching from high to medium just by holding the light in the hand. The other light, in addition to this problem, had a badly blotched beam, clearly because of a defective LED.

The dealer agreed to give a refund also on the RRT-0s.

Three defective JetBeams in one month is not due to normal probabilities. To me it means that JetBeam is having a serious problem with quality control. Lately it looks like that manufacturers are pushing lights on the market while cutting costs; so, quality is the first "item" to go.
I do believe that, now as never before, the choice of a trusted dealer is very important. The absolutely best would be to convince our dealers to test the flashlights before shipping them... I would even pay for the service, since the international returns are difficult and expensive.

Best Regards

It's seems that I lost quite a few detailed posts in the recent database "meltdown" including one here.

In summery, I had the same issue with a RRT1. It only worked properly for about half the day and then lost high mode. I sent it back to bugoutgear usa and they promptly sent a replacement. If nothing else, it's a good reminder that no manufacturer produces problem free products 100% of the time. Therefore, it's important to purchase lights from dealers who are reliable and preferably active here at CPF. I've never experienced grief from a single dealer who was associated with CPF.

My replacement RRT1 has been outstandingly reliable since arriving a year or so ago.
Hmm................A friend has similar issues but this involved a burnt out LED. It looked black with a very fine yellow rim around the square LED.

It got sent back to china and a replacement head fwas fitted apparently. However, timescale here was 2 weeks which is not bad but not fantastic either.

However, the head cannot be screwed fully into the body without fouling the output selector ring. If it is screwed up the way it should be, the selector ring is pinched so tight and cannot be turned to select the different outputs. It is locked up solid.

If you undo the head section from the battery tube section, it frees the ring but it still rubs progressively worsening as you rotate towards the high setting. Undo the head even more from the battery section and the selector ring rotates freely though the click indents are nowhere near as precise and crisp as the original.

In the position where the ring is not fouling however, there is now a 1/2mm gap between the body and the head section and you can see the brass body glinting in the gap.

I do not consider this to be aceptable and i think he will be going back to the supplier telling them to replace with a properly functioning RRT-1 or refund.

I also did a search and found a few QC related issues coming to the top but not sufficient to stop me from giving them a wide berth. This is getting a bit more persistant.

I have had Tiablo and Fenix before this and they have been (and still are) absolutly spot on. The fenix particularly has seem some very demanding use and hasnt missed a beat. I really rate Tiablo and Fenix though I accept there will ALWAYS be one that slips through QC.

I have some reservations re Jetbeam at this time.enix P3D especially is an every day carry and has had some tough use in all conditions.

I am also surprised that the reseller (on a complaint case) could not be bothered to test a light for fault free operation before the send out an apparently repaired unit.

Sounds like this needs to be watched.I hope Jetbeam have their ear to the ground here as otherwise, it seems to be a potentially sound peice of equipment. :-(
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Have just recieved much anticipated jetbeam BK135 today from flashaholics here the uk,
but sadly it seems to be missing the o ring in front of the lens, so the lens and reflector are loose and rattling about :mad:
So i suppose that says some thing about their QC !
Now i' ve got to go to all the trouble of returning it, such a shame as it's such a nice little light
Bug Out Gear helped me when my Jet I v3 had issues.
light works great now!
Sorry to hear about some of you guys' misfortune with Jetbeam...

I just managed to crack the lens in my RRT-0 V1. (it was entirely my own stupidity, I got fancy and replaced the O-ring with a GITD one that was a tad too big and tightened the bezel down till it broke):ohgeez:

I dont expect Jetbeam or anyone to cover my stupidity, so I emailed Jetbeam requesting to purchase a replacement lens. To my surprise, they state they do not have them and referred me to Bugoutgearusa. So I contacted BOG and they stated that they do not know why Jetbeam refers broken lenses to them as they cant get extra lenses from Jetbeam. :confused:

Well, the awesome crew at BOG said the best they can do is to try to go through a pile of returns and try to find one... I hope they do and I really appreciate that they care and are willing to try to help me. I have worked with Flavio many times and know he provides some of the best service one can find in the flashlight world...

I dont understand however, why replacing a GLASS lens is so difficult for Jetbeam. It seems like Jetbeam should stock glass lenses as I am sure Im not the first person to break one. What happens if BOG is unable to locate an extra lens? I cant imagine having to retire one of my favorite lights simply because a lens cannot be found for it. This should be a simple 1 minute solution...:mad: :thumbsdow
Update received my replacement RRT 1 today, that was fast (3 days). So far works just fine like all the other RRT's but it has a cree R5(warm) which I can live with.

The RRT I know of was not returned to china - instead a new head was screwed on to the existing body but it wasnt checked that the 2 worked together which they didnt.

Surprised this took 2 weeks to resolve and I was told it was offski to china. Not impressed. Much rather be told the truth.

However, the reseller has agreed to replace the whole unit under warranty apparently so I am more relaxed about it.

Shame as I tried the unit tonight on rifle and it is quite a capable (though a tad big) unit.

I really hope they jump on this QC issue as there is nothing worse to ruin a manufacvturers rep than loosing a grip on QC then having a second rate back up.

Still better than my experience with another well known manufacturer who will never see any more of my cash.
I dont expect Jetbeam or anyone to cover my stupidity, so I emailed Jetbeam requesting to purchase a replacement lens. To my surprise, they state they do not have them and referred me to Bugoutgearusa. So I contacted BOG and they stated that they do not know why Jetbeam refers broken lenses to them as they cant get extra lenses from Jetbeam. :confused:

:sick2: Stuff like this drives me nuts. Can you imagine at company like Jetbeam deferring this issue to the poor retailer, who in this case is innocently clueless? I guess now we don't have to imagine, it's reality.

Bugoutgearusa and Flavio are incredible! Jetbeam on the other hand frequently has me raising a brow in skepticism, despite the fact that they produce some innovative products. Again, buying from a store like BugOutGearusa can provide the welcome "headache cushion" needed when dealing with certain manufacturers and their oddities. If it wasn't for guys like Flavio, I'd likely never risk my money on some of these Chinese products.
Hi all, I am Kelvin from Jetbeam customer service, please check you PM. Thanks.
Jetbeam customer service
Sysmax Industry Trading Co.
WOW! Thank you Kelvin!

PM Replied!

Looks like the difficulty in my first correspondence with Jetbeam regarding my lens issue was mostly due to the language barrier. Jetbeam certainly has lenses and they were more "suggesting" I contact BOG than "requiring" me to contact BOG. They were trying to save me a bit of time as opposed to waiting for overseas shipping. They assure me they can get me a lens if necessary. I will wait to see if Flavio has one laying around but either way, I am assured a replacement lens.

They are even going to send BOG some extra lenses and O-rings so they can stock them for just such occasions! :thumbsup:

My faith in Jetbeam has been renewed! :party:
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