Jon's rechargable 123's


Jan 31, 2005
GTA, ON, Canada
Jon\'s rechargable 123\'s

Does anyone know the dimensions of Jon's 'JSB-123' rechargable 123a's? Specifically whether or not their diameter is comparable to an AA's?

I am wondering whether a single JSB-123 could fit and power one of reefphilic's mini-minimags (spacer required, obviously).

Re: Jon\'s rechargable 123\'s

Hello Bradlee,

There are two different rechargable 123's that I have. I am testing the latest batch of the 4.2volt 123s, there was size problems in the past but they seem to finally have the size right. Both versions are now 123 sized.

One version is powerful and fully protected, the other is milder for items the others might blow up. I will have to read up on reefphilic's mini-mag.
Re: Jon\'s rechargable 123\'s

Hi Bradlee,
CPF member haveblue has been selling 14500 rechargeables with his "MicroMag" (same as MiniMiniMag, I think Rothrandir did it first).
I believe the 14500 may be half a CR3(?) Camera Li-Ion, unprotected, but 1AA size (!).
With an appropriate charger, these batteries do very well in the MiniMiniMag, perhaps overdriving Sandwiches made for 2AA or single CR123 cells a little bit.
CR123's do not fit, CR2's can be made to fit in a drilled-out tube, but the walls of the AA-size tube will be quite thin....
MiniMiniMags with a MadMax sandwich on a 14500 3.7V battery are a real surprise, they can outdo a Surefire KL4 on a single CR123!
Re: Jon\'s rechargable 123\'s

Thanks a lot Jon and rikvee! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'll have to think about which battery would better suit my application. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
