Jurassic Park Spotlights?

beam_me_up said:
way too expensive $2,000.00 you can get a 10 million CP Thor spotlight for $60

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Yes and a $60 spotlight is what you will have the MaxaBeam is in a league of it's own when it comes to throw if that's what you want if not then a $60 spotlight is a good deal /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

JPspotlight said:
Why is it so expensive?

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Expensive, not really it's one of the most inexpensive short arc xenon lights available and excels in throw or long range illumination if that's what you need. In the movies it's more of a prop than anything because it looks cool...... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

Its expensive because it was designed for the government to use. And we all know that the government will pay anything for whatever they want, and therefore, the government is over charged.

I ask that same question for about 3 years.. Never could find out.. It drove me crazy.. I posted question about everywhere I could find (i thought)... then one day about a month ago.... The same day I found the answer to my aluded question.. I found this sight... and oh boy... ANSWERS! IDEAS!

I have literally been on this sight everyday since.. sometime 1 of 2 hours, which is down from the 5 to 6 the first few days...

anyways... welcome aboard... (if a newbie himself can extend welcomes)

Skillet /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif

WAIT A MINUTE... I JUST NOTICED I AM NOW A "FLASHAHOLIC".. KUDOS AND PEANUTS ALL AROUND /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
You can find a maxabeam a lot cheaper then 2 grand, I got mine for about 1600 (It's a solopack) came with a very nice case, battery and changer and I added in a 12volt cord as well. I have seen these for about 1200-1400 with out a battery. Some vendors whant 2000-2200 for a maxabeam with out a protective case.
The maxabeam is a true 6 million CP where the $60 thor is no ware even close to 10 million CP, IMHO the thor is a nice light in it's price catigory but it's rateings are not even close to being true.
Out of interest, how much would it be to buy the component parts of the maxabeam, if they were available off the shelf?
Azecos said:
That's not quite right. Maxabeam has a 75 watt short-arc lamp (HID) and a thor just a 100W halogen lamp. That's a huge difference.

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If I'm behind my $30.00 Thor I can light up the telephone pole 1/2 mile from my house. I can "see" it but that's about all. I could light up a similar pole 1.5 miles with a $2,000.00 beast but could I see it?
Yeah i would tend to agree with baker, and disagree with painter.

I know that where I live, I can see a water tower from at least 6+ miles away in the daylight, and i would venture to say that its even visible 10 miles away.

Provided my Maxabeam could shoot that far, what would prevent me from seeing it?

On the same note, at night time, the cell towers, i can see the flashing light from at least 15+ miles away.

I would have to say that you can see that far on a clear night.
they used the MaxaBeam on Farscape too /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif I was actually gonna post and find out what it was, but this is it. And for $1600 i'll definately pass.

I can either have one of these or 53 Thors, lol

I found mine from a company called Blue Line Gear. It's a police supply company I found and I was able to cut a deal with the owner, I was trying to find a used one but for the deal He gave Me I jumped on a new one.