just for fun - a pic of my torches


Newly Enlightened
Aug 8, 2001
i just tried to take a pic of my lighting-stuff and wanted to share it with you.
Only one i missed is the SureFire Scorpion, forgot it in my rucksack

Any question or comment is welcome!

Here are more pics of my "other stuff": http://www.bigboresmesserseite.de

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nice collection; I'd venture a guess you're line of work has something to do with emergency response...? (answer purely optional)
Hey cool, I did think it was about time for another "Show and Tell" day! I last got all my lights together for a photo not long after joining this board, and how things have changed. Back then, the only LED lights I had were a pair of Photons (now numbering near 50 I guess), and the rest were cheap incandescents. This was back when I thought my old (and sadly now dead) 4D Mag was the best torch in the world. Aaaahhh, such simple times
Now that would probably have to be the SF M6- but when can I save up $350 to get one? Probably never!!! I took a wander round their new-look site the other night, what a mistake- now I want them all!

I`ll get the camera out tomorrow when there`s some more light around in here, something noteably lacking right now. Hard to believe isn`t it, based on what I collect/review and therefore have lots of in here (light bulbs/torches)! But the old VC prefers daylight so I`ll wait.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lightuser:
nice collection; I'd venture a guess you're line of work has something to do with emergency response...? (answer purely optional)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not rally, but isn`t our whole life about emergency survivel?
I just prefer to be prepared

the Mag 4D is my carlamp, it has a "Authal-Tuning" electronical dimmer, you can use 100% or 66% or 33% brightness and you will get 33% or 66% more running time doing so.

SORRY, made a mistake:
the "SureFire" Scorpion was surely made by Streamlight !
Thanks for the option of ?'s. What is:
lower right, yellow
below that, stainless
near center, OD green
near center left, black w/red stripe
Thanks Bigbore.
@ kogatana: thanks, nice to here from you too
@ phred: you are welcome, ill try to explain:

left right yellow:
a UKE (Underwater Kinetics) 2AAA (i dontlike it much, it is not nearly as bright as a MiniMag but the battery is gone much faster.)

the stainless one below this:
a cheap LED (blue)sold here in Germany as a "photon-pump"

near center OD green:
i`m not very sure what i have here, i bought it from a diving outfiter, it is waterproof to xxmeters, (i never dive deeper as my bathtub is), it is powerded by 6 AA batteries ans surely is one of my brightest ones, but the instructions said: do not use outside of water for more than 10Minutes because it will overheat! It is marked : "PCa" "IKELITE" "Made in USA"

near center left, black with red stripe:
a very cheap AA light which has two buttons on opposite sides of the tube, with one you switch the main light on/off, with the other you make 4 LED`s in the red ring shine or blink. nice toy for the kids.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phred:

near center, OD green

German military flashlight (or a cheap copy). Uses a 4.5V flat battery (was usual in Europe) and a 3.5V 0.2 A or 3.8V 0.3A bulb. Has two colour filters for signalling. I had one with 3 different filters.
The military ones used to have a flap to cover most of the beam, leaving only a little light down for reading a map and a dim coloured stripe horizontal.

The other one right up (blue) is a similar light without the flap.

Bigbore described accidently the light green one.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeLu:
German military flashlight (or a cheap copy). Uses a 4.5V flat battery (was usual in Europe) and a 3.5V 0.2 A or 3.8V 0.3A bulb. Has two colour filters for signalling. I had one with 3 different filters.
The military ones used to have a flap to cover most of the beam, leaving only a little light down for reading a map and a dim coloured stripe horizontal.

The other one right up (blue) is a similar light without the flap.

Bigbore described accidently the light green one.

Sorry for misunderstanding this again,
PeLu is right of course!

afaik the original "German military flashlight" has three filters: green, red, and "hide" (only a small slot) but no flap.
The one at the pic is a cheap copy!

But the blue one is a real rare thing,
notice the two red filters

Come on make a guess about this one
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gman:
Surefire Scorpion?

Ok, I give up. How does one do a photo like that in the post?

Hi Gman.
i already tried to correct this, i made a silly mistake: the Scorpion is of course from Streamlight!
I forgot it in my rucksack, when making the pic, where i wear it everyday because IMHO it is the better "utility light".

if you want to post pics here, you
1) have to make pics! (i do with a old minolta)
2) get them digitaly (i buy a CD from my photodealer with the paperpics)
3) store the pics anywhere in the net (could be your homepage or www.photopoint.com or some of the free picposting sides
4) post here and click for "IMAGE" then insert the adress of your pic.

Sorry i`m not perfect with your language but i tried to explain
Ahh, I see now, thanks much.

Btw, great minds think alike. In spite of owning many others, from E1 to M6, I agree the Scorpion is the best for normal use and it's what I carry on a daily basis.

lol...Guess I don't wanna grub up my SFs.
Thanx again.
There is reflecting tape around the 4D because it is my car-lamp, (together with the red signaling device).
I thought it would help to be seen when wolking a dark street after a car breakdown.
The other tape at the 4C and 6C (and between the reflecting tape at the 4D) is afterglowing, these are my bedside-lamps, i want to find them in darkness if needed.

I dont have a problem with my englisch, as long as you dont have one

i also appreciate a joke if i understand it

I do much of translating and spellcheck with the "Babylon translater" a free download software.
sorry it does not correct grammar

It spells: Taschenlampen
Tasche = bag or pocket
Lampe = lamp
Lampen = plural

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
Don't worry about the language. We speak one here; flashlights, torches, tachenlampen<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's 'Taschenlampen' (all nouns with capitals in front). Just meaning 'pocket lamps'. 'Tacheles' is yiddish and if you say 'to speak Tacheles' with someone it means you're getting serious and leaving away polite phrases.
You are right, it is Tschüs......... Servus for PeLu - our Austrian friend.