Just picked up a CMG Infinity.............


Oct 30, 2001
And let me tell you, it sucks. Or maybe I have a different perception of flashlights now that I have been used to using Surefires. I thought I'd get into LED lights because of the incredible runtime but man, I'd rather carry a Mag Solitaire.

Is the ARC AAA any better than the Infinity? I'm so dissapointed that I'm going to return it to Sports Chalet today.

So my question is this, are all LED's this dull or did I just buy the wrong one? I want a small carry light with long runtime. I replace the batteries in my E2 about once a week! The E1 is about the same size as the Infinity and much much brighter. Is my hopes of replacing CR123 lights futile? Thanks.
Well, I don't know what the Infinity run time is like, but in terms of brightness there is no contest between it and the Arc AAA. The Arc is a fantastic little light. Really bright, compact, well made. I got my first one about a month ago, and was so impressed I ordered a bunch more as Christmas presents for people.
It's a little expensive, but worth every cent I reckon.
I have an Arc LE as my regular keychain light. Its just that bit better than the regular white Arc AAA. I also have the turquoise one which is a really good light, too.

I think its a great light and would highly recommend it.

Just want to put in my 2¢'s worth:
The Arc AAA is great if you want a small LED light, that is cheap to change the batteries on (much brighter than the Infinity). The Photon is also brighter than the Infinity, and comparable to the Arc. If you want a small light, that is LED based, and more comparable in brightness to the Surefire E1, check out the Arc-LS. Check out out THIS comparison of the Arc-LS compared to some of the brightest Multi-LED lights made.

My 2 cents...I have an Arc AAA turquoise. It is MUCH brighter than my mag solitare, but don't expect anything unrealistic. Read what people have said and look at their pictures. Everything you need to know about the Arc AAA is already here on this bulletin board.

LED lights have a longer run time because they use less energy. Less energy input equals less light output.
The infinity is just about the dimest single LED light on the market, the arc is just about the brightest. However, don't expect it to be more than about twice as bright as the infinity.
If you are going to try to compare the Arc AAA to and E1, you will be dissapointed in the Arc.
Everyone else who raves about the Arc are comparing them to other small single LED lights such as the photon or infinity, in which case the Arc is a great little light.
The Arc AAA is much brighter than the CMG.

Put it this way, the Arc has a run time of ~5hrs with an AAA. The CMG has a run time of ~40hrs with an AA. If the Arc had an AA it would probably have a run time of ~10 hrs (est. based on battery ratings). Soo, the CMG isn't bright for an LED light*.

That said, it really depends on what you want from a light.

If you want a light that compares the to the SF E2, you are going to be dissapointed.

It sounds like the Arc LS with (2)AA or (1)123A cell will be comparible to the E1 with longer runtime. There were sample pictures on the forum somewhere.

You should try to get your hands on a Photon (or equiv.). If you think it's bright enough, consider an Arc AAA. It only manages about 5hrs, but they are all bright and with the cost of AAA batteries, you don't have to feel guilty.

If it is not bright enough, consider an Arc LS. See the graph, below of Arc LS with one or two AA batteries:

Criag's Arc LS Runtime

Depending on what you want from runtime and brightness, you can consider the Lightwave 2000, 3000 and 4000 (3AA, 3C, 3D, respectively).

* And a single, non-LS unit at that!
thats weird cause my infinity put out more light than a solitare. I have the newer model and its the silver case so maybe that has something to do with it. As for the arc if you really hated the infinity that bad you might not like the arc even though it is brighter. you gotta remember these are just keychain lights and aren't going to blow you away. If you would really prefer your mag solitare there must be something wrong with your infinity. I believe Texas Tactical Supply has the silver infinity's for 13.50 now but in my opinion your much better off getting the arc for 18.99 from them.
I'd choose my words a little more carefully. The infinity doesn't "suck". It just was not what you were looking for. A light burning 40+ hours on a single AA is quite obviously nowhere near as bright as a xenon fired tactical that burns a set of lithiums in an hour. Many people (myself included) love their Infinities for camping, fishing, reading in a car etc. Once your eyes are dark adapted you'll find it puts out plenty of light for close up tasks.It is also reasonably priced and has a very long burn time. Saying that it sucks might dissuade someone from buying what might be the perfect light for them.
I would have gotten the ARC AAA if it was available but I can't find them anywhere except through a few online dealers. I've seen the ARC AAA pictures and thought the Infinity would be the same. Bad assumptions I guess. Looks like everyone likes the ARC AAA and the ARC LS, I guess I will have to wait a week to get it in the mail (no instant gratification of buying it in person!!!!!!!!!)....man that kills me.

Thanks guys for your input, I'll order the ARC aaa tonight and if anyone has any other suggestions for AAA/AA LED lights (1, maybe 2 cell) please enlighten me. I'm just now coming out of the Surefire shell and discovering LED lights).

pappasom: Sorry I stand corrected. Your right it does not suck, just not what I am looking for.
Flexmodem..I have the ARC AAA and really like it. Another LED light I have that I really like is the Princeton Tec Attitude. It has 3 LED's and uses 4 AAA batts. The batts are in a parallel configuration which makes it shorter than a MiniMag AA.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ccrowder:
Flexmodem..I have the ARC AAA and really like it. Another LED light I have that I really like is the Princeton Tec Attitude. It has 3 LED's and uses 4 AAA batts. The batts are in a parallel configuration which makes it shorter than a MiniMag AA.


How bright is the Attitude compared with say, a MiniMag. I saw it at Sports Chalet for around $20. It's a bit big to carry on a keychain but I guess I can stick it in my back pocket. I ordered the ARC AAA so I'm crossing my fingers. Thanks again guys.

By the way, is there a vaccine available yet for this Flashlight addiction virus? I'm starting to get hooked on LED lights now I can feel the cough coming on! *Cough* *Cough* Good think LED's are cheaper than Surefires. Must have spent a thousand at least on SF's this year.
The MiniMag while have a brighter hot spot and will throw its beam further. The attitude has a much more dispersed light and much whiter. A better light IMO for close up work.
The attitude will fit in a MiniMag AA nylon holster with a little stretching, but does fit nicely in a pocket.

The CMG Infinity was all the rage a few months ago. (I guess that the Arc AA has stolen it's thunder.)

The justification for it's good reputation seemed to be that it ran ~40 hours on a single AA.
I got a gift of an Infinity recently,
and I really like it. It's a cute style, nicely chunky, and surely has it's place as a little classic. The light output isn't very high, but the beam is clean, a violet tinged white. Build quality is good, and the action is smooth.

The Attitude is a whole different animal, and a fun, very practical light.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LED_freak:
Flex Assuming makes an *** out of u and me, see: ***-U-Me<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can see me, but why are you an ***? We should start *** anonymous. Hi my name is Flex, I'm an ***.....
I was terribly disappointed with the CMG Infinity. I'm sure there is some output variation within any group of Infinities that can account for the different responses of Flashaholics. Also, some people have much better night vision than others. I suspect that those who are really happy with their Infinities either have excellent night vision, brighter LED'S, lower expectations, or any combination of these three factors.

DOES ANYONE KNOW if that "new" Infinity in a silver color is really significantly brighter than the 1st generation?

I could imagine an Infinity with a somewhat brighter LED and a slightly reduced runtime, say to 25 or thirty hours. Or an Arc LE which was slightly dimmer but with a run time of 10 or 15 hours. With a tiny spare battery you'd have 20-30 hours.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by flexmodem:
I can see me, but why are you an ***? We should start *** anonymous. Hi my name is Flex, I'm an ***.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave! Muhaha

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>By the way, flexmodem; THERE IS NO VACCINE, NO CURE FOR THE FLASHAHOLIC VIRUS. WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR GLORIOUS OBSESSION!!!

I actually found that the OLDER Infinity (the red model and the green one with the 'backwards' battery) was more than double the brightness of the NEW version!

I wouldn't get rid of my 1st generation red or green Infinitys if you paid me to.

I measured the output power once... the old red was around 17 milliwatts, while the new red was somewhere between 6 and 8 milliwatts.
Figure that one out...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John N:
Perhaps they were having trouble backing up their 40 hr runtime claims? :)


Nope, that wasn't it.
It runs 40-60 hours just fine that way.