K500+ and IR filter


Newly Enlightened
Feb 24, 2005
Got a question for someone smarter then I.

Now correct me If I'm wrong but should two DPSS 532nm green laser modules have IR filters? I recently purchased a few modules and "laser projectors" from big dipper and none of them have an IR filter.

Thanks in advance.
They should have... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

I have a K800 with 40mw green although I didn't have a reason to think the IR filter was missing until I took a video of it and it looks like IR flashing everywhere.

Ofcourse this could just be some sort of camera lens reflection - its hard to tell. A bit more testing I think...


BTW: How do you know yours doesn't have a filter? on the front of the laser in my unit there is a dull green lens slapped onto the aperture - if that is the IR filter (which I'm sure it is) then it's a really bad one. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif
Based on testing it. Here is another thread I'm involved in.

<font color="red"> Please don't quote other forum's threads here and / or post private communication.

Post removed by Kiessling
yea I just looked at that video, I bet thats IR. You could record it again setting your k800 to just give you a straight beam(dot) to really get a good look with the camera.
Thats not good. Thanks Demolish, I think I can assume mine is also without the filter. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif

I aligned that thing by hand, that will explain why my laptop bag was smoking way across the room from only 40mw 532 in broad daylight /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif.

A trip to the opticians maybe soon... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

I can't beleive they can get away with no IR filter, I mean these things are meant to be used in bars/clubs etc. and people eyes will get flashed every now and then. This poses a very serious safety issue and is un-acceptable. I will be emailing big-dipper later today.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gif That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard...what are they playing at? From my vid, you can see there is IR flashing all over the place - that NEEDS a filter. From experience I'd say there was upto 20mw of IR escaping.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif

A Leadlight being sold without an IR filter /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif Leadlight would be and have been shot for that.
This is VERY concerning !
As you said, these are MADE for club use, not just a laser module to experiment with in your house.

I cant beleave its even LEGAL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

If you guys care about your site at all, I would be obtaining a filter very soon.
Yeah, and during the re-alignment to get more yellow and from general use, I have been flashed countless times but never thought much of it. IMO 40mw being refreshed at that speed is not too risky. However extra IR on top of that causes serious safety issues...
I have been playing with my scanner kit alot lately (which I will post about soon) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
But I am just using a 15mW pointer for it right now.

But I have been alittle concerned, you get flashed alot lol, I know 15mW isnt all that bad, but over a long period of time...
You know the manual says "do not stare at for more then 10 seconds or eye damage could occur" hahaha rofl hahaha. I was scanned several times too.

So where do we get an IR filter anyone?