Keychain AAA with white and red light


Newly Enlightened
Oct 6, 2009
Currently have a Olight i3E EOS on my keychain. Trying to find something functionally similar but that also has a red led for
preserving night vision. Have found several keychain flashlights but they're not very robust or they're rechargeable.

Any suggestions?
Night vision can be preserved quite well with plain old white light. Just need a sub lumen light. Many red lights are actually too bright to properly preserve night vision.

Manker EO2 iii has something like 23 lumen settings, including 0.1 lumens!
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It's not AAA, but how about Fenix E03R v2?

Also, if you count "rechargeable" as a negative, meaning you're using alkalike AAA's in a flashlight, that means you're doing something wrong.
I've been using Nitecore Tip's on my keychains for years now without any issues.
If it was rechargeable with easily replaceable standard size batteries I'd consider it a plus, in fact best of both worlds. I want to be able to keep some spare AAA batteries in my pocket or bag and have literally days of light.
RovyVon E5 has a replaceable side by side AAA with also a built in LiIon and some versions have a side Red light. I've not used one though.