Keychain light in the fridge - safe or not?


Sep 24, 2007
Sometimes I buy groceries at work and leave them in the fridge at work. So I don't forget to take them home (I'm very forgetful sometimes), I keep my keys in the fridge with the groceries. That way I can't actually drive away from work without them.

I usually have a small flashlight, attached to my keys (usually fenix LOD). Is it save to leave a flashlight in the fridge? Will condensation cause damage to the light or its components at all?
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I do the same thing at times. I have a Fenix E01 on my keycahin and have not had a problem. The E01 is pretty "bombproof". I would not worry about it at all. The only other thing is, is that you may want to use a Lithium battery because the hot/cold has little affect on them!!
I sometimes do run the L0D on 10440s. I thought hot temperatures can shorten the life span of li-ion batteries, I was not aware cold temperatures could be a problem.
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hmmm... I got no problems mucking/testing around with the fenix L0D. But I recently got a drake and I don't want my drake to go *poof*! Its been my most expensive flashlight so far! I'd better not risk it.
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