Flashlight Enthusiast
I have a power bank with PD outputs. How to I cable it to power a 12v input charger? Or should I just find a 5v USB charge instead?
Item N°. 1 :... Are there devices that have the PD configuration software/hardware built in, such as a Li-Ion cell charger that wants 12 v, so that all that would be needed would be a cable with a USB C connector on one end, and a 5.5x2.1 connector on the other, such that when the charger is plugged into the power bank the correct voltage is negotiated, and all is happy, happy.
Ok, now I (finally) understand that "12v input [Li-Ion cell] charger" = "a Li-Ion cell battery charger with a 12V input plug".
As for :
Item N°. 1 :
Item N°. 2 :
Notice any significant difference(s) in the 2 items pictured above ?
Also, take into consideration that the term "12 V" does not necessarily imply "a 5.5 x 2.1 connector", just as writing "a 5.5 x 2.1 connector" does not necessarily imply "12 V".
You could just purchase a USB-PD 12v cable from Adafruit.I guess my question should have been how to wire the cable so that the PD port knows to provide 12v as opposed to 5v.