Kinda off the wall

Verify specs of your power bank (to see if it delivers 12V when needed and at what amperage);

Then ...


... if I understood correctly of course.

EDIT: Don't forget to also check the specs of the apparatus you are going to "feed"...
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And, may I add, double check the polarity of the pin and sleeve... know which is negative and which is positive. Should be positive pin... I have discovered this is not always the case.
Look for one of these diagrams on the thing.


What does "to wire a cable" mean ?

Also, you still haven't explained what it is you call a "12v input charger". (first post)

You may need to dig into PD specifications to really understand what it can and cannot do, and in what configuration.

FWIW, this may be of interest to you :

OK, first, what i was thinking about powering was a standard 12v input Li-Ion cell charger. My assumption at the time was that there is a wiring configuration in a USB male connector that would tell the PD power bank to output 12v. What I got from these videos is that since the charger does not speak PD configuration, I would need one of the displayed USB PD configuration boards mentioned in all the videos, such as the one made in the video where the PD power bank was used to power the router.
Now another question pops into mind. Are there devices that have the PD configuration software/hardware built in, such as a Li-Ion cell charger that wants 12 v, so that all that would be needed would be a cable with a USB C connector on one end, and a 5.5x2.1 connector on the other, such that when the charger is plugged into the power bank the correct voltage is negotiated, and all is happy, happy.
Right now I am thinking that to serve my configuration the thing to do is to find a charger that will accept the default 5v output from the power bank and accept that since I can not negotiate a higher voltage it will take longer to charge any cells.
Ok, now I (finally) understand that "12v input [Li-Ion cell] charger" = "a Li-Ion cell battery charger with a 12V input plug".

As for :
... Are there devices that have the PD configuration software/hardware built in, such as a Li-Ion cell charger that wants 12 v, so that all that would be needed would be a cable with a USB C connector on one end, and a 5.5x2.1 connector on the other, such that when the charger is plugged into the power bank the correct voltage is negotiated, and all is happy, happy.
Item N°. 1 :

Item N°. 2 :

Notice any significant difference(s) in the 2 items pictured above ?


Also, take into consideration that the term "12 V" does not necessarily imply "a 5.5 x 2.1 connector", just as writing "a 5.5 x 2.1 connector" does not necessarily imply "12 V".
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Ok, now I (finally) understand that "12v input [Li-Ion cell] charger" = "a Li-Ion cell battery charger with a 12V input plug".

As for :

Item N°. 1 :

Item N°. 2 :


Notice any significant difference(s) in the 2 items pictured above ?


Also, take into consideration that the term "12 V" does not necessarily imply "a 5.5 x 2.1 connector", just as writing "a 5.5 x 2.1 connector" does not necessarily imply "12 V".

Update 2025.01.16