King of throw ? incan or led


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2009
i think for colour i want an incan thrower, what are good incan throw torches ? how good are the SF M3LT / M4 / M6 's ?
would a 2c mag with 3 cr123's and a 6D magnum or bi pin socket bulb be any good ?
i know some believe the stock mag reflectors are pretty damn good at throw.
are these guna throw as well as say a jetbeam raptor 1 ?
Do incan Aspherics work ?
thanks !
possibly, might work ok - like the waffle lines on my mag aspheric ?
i think for colour i want an incan thrower, what are good incan throw torches ? how good are the SF M3LT / M4 / M6 's ?
would a 2c mag with 3 cr123's and a 6D magnum or bi pin socket bulb be any good ?
i know some believe the stock mag reflectors are pretty damn good at throw.
are these guna throw as well as say a jetbeam raptor 1 ?
Do incan Aspherics work ?
thanks !
Even a simple stock Magcharger out throws a Raptor easily. An M6 just trumps it.

How much are you willing to spend on it? A Streamlight Ultrastinger is an excellent thrower, and you can get a complete kit, with two chargers for under 100 bucks if you shop around. Or just get a cheap Maglite host and mod it... Search for ROP mods, Mag11, Mag85 and many others. Welcome to the bright side!

hi, i just read that the magcharger bulb has a real small filament so throws real good, as far as i know the jetbeam raptor 1 is one of the best throwing leds so i just wondered how the incans stack up not really thought how far i want to go ?
ive recently got back to incan.........
sounds like the magcharger is pretty awsome, it is big though. glad to hear about the m6, i keep looking and reading about these and it sounds real nice ! if expensive.
never seen the streamlight before, looks like a mag !
Ah an M6 on which bulb ? 20min run sucks !
Jetbeam's own M1X for starters. I have both, and it ain't even close.

ok i dont own raptor (almost though ) or an m1x but every review ive seen the raptor out throws, the m1x is good and has massive useful light output but just dosnt get as far as the raptor.

i like the compact m6 compared to all others so far.
the reason i ask the question was firstly in my head incan's colour rendition made me think hey if i want throw surely i need incan to really see. i have an under powered Mag Q5 aspheric it gets quite far but theres only so much your eyes can see at that distance im sure the colour/tint/light dosnt help - incan has to be beter yes ?
the answer may depend on whether the air is clear or misty/foggy? :candle:
With incan, you get great throw, color rendition, depth perception, good fog cutting and best of all, you get decent spill vs. an aspheric led thrower which has minimal spill. Only matters if you want to walk while throwing...

The downsides are the usual led vs incan ones of size/runtime. But for minute by minute performance, I'd go incan for an outdoor thrower.
Given my experience with the RRT-1 vs the M1X, the RRT-1 has a narrower beam, so I guess technically it out throws the M1X. However, the M1X's narrow beam is no slouch given the size of the LED. I have tested both out to about 175-200 yds. The RRT-1 lights up the tree line at that distance, but the M1X LIGHTS UP the tree line at that distance. So my point is, the RRT-1 may out throw the M1X, but the level of useful light @ 200 yds pales in comparison. So, which is more useful?

BTW, I prefer my SP-9/D36/HO-9L combo just due to the color of the beam. Details pop vs looking flat.

But none of them compete with my $30 Costco incan POB clone.
Yeah, Fusion_m8, couldn't believe that nobody said this yet :D:twothumbs

But on the other side...I think with LEDs you can achieve maximum throw in a minimum package (thinking of pocket throwers like the nice Solitaire aspheric which was posted here). Incans in small reflectors/lights often cannot compete, while HIDs are just too big^^
I'm not sure on your price range. I've been interested in the topic of long throwing lights and although I do not own one I seem to think that the ARC Mania X6 is one of the longest throwing lights yet.
I believe it is adjustable and uses a 6 die led, looks like a great light:thumbsup:
Although it throws a beam similar to the DEFT and has very little spill, if that is what your looking for.
Yep, most HID's are built for throw, but you will need a 4000K lamp to be similar enough to incans. If the size does not matter, a perfect parabolic reflector will maximize an incan's throw.