KL1 head on SL Scorpion?

Wits' End

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2001
Remote NEast Minnesota, next to Lake Superior
This was mentioned on B/S/T does it work? with or w/o a mod? How hard a mod? Thanks (esp. if you say it works
I don't have a Kl1 but an E2e head fits on the Scorpion body and works without a mod.
Originally posted by witsend:
This was mentioned on B/S/T does it work? with or w/o a mod? How hard a mod? Thanks (esp. if you say it works
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Several people who have the E2 -and the Scorpion are saying that the threads are a perfect match!

, the KL1 not only fits nicely on the E2/E2e, but fits on the Scorpion barrel, and even the Arc-LS(?)
So, if 'ya got a Scorpion, all you need is the KL1 head. Doesn't look quite asnice as the E2 body, but think about the $$ saved. (as well as the flexibility).

I'm betting Scorpion sales will be very good in the next few weeks.
Oh, a little bit of the Scorps threads are exposed. I think someone posted that the Scorpion's threads can be cut down a bit and it would not affect the stock configuration.
Originally posted by Wolfen:
E2e head and Scorpion body=UGLY!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I didn't think the photo I saw of it looked all that bad. Especially when the only alternative might be a $75. E2 incandescent that you don't have, might not need,-or don't want.
-How does that saying about beauty go..."in the eye of the beholder".....8^)
Originally posted by Wolfen:
E2e head and Scorpion body=UGLY!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">But Wolfie,

E2e head and Scorpion body=CHEAP!
Sorry I had some work to do. Yes I got it, not quite the made to go together look as if it were a SF body but not too ugly. Now I just need to get the KL1. I'll probably wait for TTS to get them.
Thanks much for the pic Wolfen, if someone can post one so all can see, everybody will know what I'm talking about. It isn't pretty so you might decide to go with a complete pakage from SF. But if you own a Scorpion it sure is a lot more cost effective.
A photo of the Scorpion barrel with a KL1 head installed was posted by RY on 9/27 thread: "KL1 + Scorpion body".
The bezel change really only works one way. Although the Scorpion Bezel fits on the E2 it will not screw far enough down to focus to a spot beam. The E2 bezel works fine on the Scorpion.

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