Knife Chatter. Show and Tell!

A friend gave me a Sunfish from Marbles. He also gave me a book on medical parasitology.. Forums say it's the same factory in China that makes Rough Reader and Remington (not sure about the latter). Then I looked at the price, looked at the knife, looked at the price again and again looked at the knife. Now I understand why they have a huge ~300 page thread on the blade forum. The quality of the mechanism, fit and finish is better than many Case's for $70-100. The small blade would get caught on the corner of the tang when closing, scraping metal. There was a rough corner here. It was smoothed out with a small ruby file. The bone is CNC-cut to resemble a horn, most likely laser-scanned from a real specimen. The left and right scales are the same, the painting creates the illusion of difference. I've been wearing it for 5 days now and I'm extremely happy!!


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Already tested this knife BRANDED = YJGDCN , and did it perform or what ? ( It did )
So I wanted another .. Butt on Ebay they were getting hard to find ..
Butt !! You can get them on Ali and I did just that .
Paid some 38 Bananas ( Australian Dollars ) for it to my door .
Bolted together 10/10 .. Honestly , insane for the $ . You could spend $500 and not buy better ( bolted together ) .
1st one was branded YJGDCN and this one is un branded . Seller claims D2 for the blade .
It will be sharpened on the wet stone grinder and then put to the rope . That first one impressed so HARD I had to get another .
I dare say ( claim ) that they are made at the same factory . I would rate these a WOW grade knife , especially for the $$ .
My 2nd one for now !


AD20 ......... AUS10 Taiwan (?) Factory edge was complete rubbish / lock was ho hum and needed a little tune .
Interesting lock design = Something different .

Latest knife to arrive !
$48 banana to my door Bowie Knife .. Mystery Steel , 285mm . Paper slicing sharp out of the box !
That finger / hand guard is ? . Gets in the way of indexing the knife , I may need to put it to the grinder ! ( I have to )

HUA-AO D2 Some kind of lever locking system !

I have actually seen this before , but never had the opportunity to buy one till now .
Interesting all be it heavy . One for the collection in anyways . ( To be put to the rope soon )