L2 vs L4


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2003
Washington State
I have read a few threads on this topic or relating to... My question is this. A lot of folks say that while on high mode you cannot tell the difference between the L2 & L4 yet reading the reviews on it the L2 has almost double the overall output. I would think with that much of a margin it would be noticeable with the naked eye?

It would be.......unless the numbers for the L4 are higher than they are actually made out to be /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

We think the L4 puts out a lot more than 65 lumens, just like my U2 is DEFINITELY more than 80 lumens. It takes three Luxeon 3s stacked together to beat that U2.
But, if the L4 numbers are higher and the U2 is more then the listed 80 lumes, why won't the L2 be higher too? Hence won't the L2 be briter than the L4 anyway? Or is this just get back to beam pattern and one can't notice the differance because the L2 floods while the L4 throws?

The L4 and L2 use the same reflector; don't look there for a difference. For the sake of argument, if the printed numbers of lumens from SF were to be ignored, what is the empirical experience reported from users regarding these two lights? I believe the L2 has a higher drive current on its high level than the L4 and I think of the L2 as having a normal level along with a brighter "over drive" level whereas the L4 being a single level has been set at a more reasonable level. Normal variations from individual sample to sample can be significant enough to skew the observations.
McGizmo said:
I believe the L2 has a higher drive current on its high level

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Please, what is the approximate drive current of the L2 high level?
It's safe to say that the L4 and the L2 have similar output. However, there seem to be big differences due to the Luxeon lottery. The L2 Quickbeam used for his review must have been a *very* good L2, or something went wrong during the test.
I don't know, but my L2 is significantly brighter than my L4... 89 overall output vs 58... Throw is better as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif