Lamp Module Swapping


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2003
I'm sure you folks have done this before, but can a lamp from a 6P work with more output on a 9P?
I think the P60/P61 wouldn't cope with the increased current of 9v...I'm sure someone (Al) will tell you for deff!!

Do you not have a P90/91?
I think it's more the voltage of 9v (nominal) compared to the rated 6v (nominal).

Brock's Page, , lists the volts/amps:

Lamp Cells Volts Amps
P91 3 6.25 2.35
P90 3 7.35 1.15
P61 2 3.75 2.3
P60 2 4.8 1.1

I think the brightness be useless with the lower life from 60-65% increase in voltage. I've never tried it though.
The MN01 is for ONE SF123A (3V)

The MN02/MN03, P60/P61 & N1 are for TWO SF123As (6V)

The P90/P91, MN10/MN11, MN15/MN16 & N2 are for THREE SF123As (9V)

Please do not attempt to power a SureFire Lamp Assembly with either too many, nor too few batteries.

