I am working on making something that I think would be hours and months of fun. Quite useful too, in my opinion, and I wanted to ask for the general input of my most trustworthy source of all time for all lighting questions; you guys!:goodjob:
I currently have the motors(http://www.web-tronics.com/stmo52.html), motor drivers(http://webtronics.stores.yahoo.net/2phmococ1.html) and the power supply(http://www.web-tronics.com/1536siouposu.html) for the motors. I also have some .5W 808nm lasers for the sole purpose of testing and beam calibration. I do realize that the collimating lense and the source would need to be changed later on, but I really do not have a way of "seeing" IR. I rigged a webcam, taking out the IR filter and it sees nothing but absolute whiteness
Now, here is my barrage of questions:
I need some useful eye protection, any suggestions?
I have no idea how to make sure the thing is actually working other than the webcam and possibly using a paper to see burn marks. Any more effecient suggestions?
I have no idea how to collimate the laser, or where to get a good collimatinglense that would be usable on a 50W or so laser, any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone have any experience with reflecting the laser beam across moving platforms? I could really use the help.
What would be the suggested material to house the whole project? Preferably somethign that is easily moldable and readily available for customization.
Any idea what amount of power would be needed to burn into wood at a descent speed?
I am looking to make a machine that would basically connect through USB(http://www.dlpdesign.com/dlp-io8-ds-v14.pdf) and I currently have that controlling the motors via my laptop. I am still working on getting the laser logic correct though...
I am right now working on building some circuits suggested by Sam's LASER FAQ(http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm) and I have a circuit that uses some simple logic to control the power (on/off) on some 5mW red lasers that I hope to port into a more complex, more powerful, system to control the more powerful laser to be used for wood burning.
Any help/suggestions/brain-picking/anything, is mostly welcome and greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much;
EDIT: I should probably also note that the "bench" is much of a laser printer silimar to the VersaLaser(http://www.ulsinc.com/versalaser/english/index.html) in design and function. When I came up with the idea, I was unaware of the existence of the VersaLaser. I made sure not to look at it in detail, I want to come up with my own solutions and my own application of the idea. I am a novice at woodburning using the good old fashion burning iron. I hope to make this a much more fascinating and definately an encompassing product.
P.S. : I also wanted to make sure of something, plz...
Is (http://www.optics-online.com/rms.asp) what I should be looking at if I want to combine a red, or green, and an IR laser so I can see where the incident laser is at?
My plan for the application is perhans something as follows:
RED --\|--- Combined
Excuse the very ugly ASCII image If extra details or a 3D demonstration is required, please let me know.
Thank you all in advance, again;
I currently have the motors(http://www.web-tronics.com/stmo52.html), motor drivers(http://webtronics.stores.yahoo.net/2phmococ1.html) and the power supply(http://www.web-tronics.com/1536siouposu.html) for the motors. I also have some .5W 808nm lasers for the sole purpose of testing and beam calibration. I do realize that the collimating lense and the source would need to be changed later on, but I really do not have a way of "seeing" IR. I rigged a webcam, taking out the IR filter and it sees nothing but absolute whiteness
Now, here is my barrage of questions:
I need some useful eye protection, any suggestions?
I have no idea how to make sure the thing is actually working other than the webcam and possibly using a paper to see burn marks. Any more effecient suggestions?
I have no idea how to collimate the laser, or where to get a good collimatinglense that would be usable on a 50W or so laser, any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone have any experience with reflecting the laser beam across moving platforms? I could really use the help.
What would be the suggested material to house the whole project? Preferably somethign that is easily moldable and readily available for customization.
Any idea what amount of power would be needed to burn into wood at a descent speed?
I am looking to make a machine that would basically connect through USB(http://www.dlpdesign.com/dlp-io8-ds-v14.pdf) and I currently have that controlling the motors via my laptop. I am still working on getting the laser logic correct though...
I am right now working on building some circuits suggested by Sam's LASER FAQ(http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm) and I have a circuit that uses some simple logic to control the power (on/off) on some 5mW red lasers that I hope to port into a more complex, more powerful, system to control the more powerful laser to be used for wood burning.
Any help/suggestions/brain-picking/anything, is mostly welcome and greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much;
EDIT: I should probably also note that the "bench" is much of a laser printer silimar to the VersaLaser(http://www.ulsinc.com/versalaser/english/index.html) in design and function. When I came up with the idea, I was unaware of the existence of the VersaLaser. I made sure not to look at it in detail, I want to come up with my own solutions and my own application of the idea. I am a novice at woodburning using the good old fashion burning iron. I hope to make this a much more fascinating and definately an encompassing product.
P.S. : I also wanted to make sure of something, plz...
Is (http://www.optics-online.com/rms.asp) what I should be looking at if I want to combine a red, or green, and an IR laser so I can see where the incident laser is at?
My plan for the application is perhans something as follows:
RED --\|--- Combined
Excuse the very ugly ASCII image If extra details or a 3D demonstration is required, please let me know.
Thank you all in advance, again;
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